Doctor Who: Off We Go. Part 2/2 (Season 1 drabbles)

Jan 30, 2010 21:41

Title: “Off We Go”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Summary: Episode-based drabbles for Doctor Who Series 1. Mostly Doctor and Rose-centric, with a few exceptions. [Episodes 8-13 + TCI]
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC.
A/N: Done with the season 1 drabbles. It was actually pretty fun writing Nine. XD

Episode 1x08, “Father’s Day”

Oh, that’s got to be a joke! Another one! How come he always picks the wrong ones? (All right, maybe that’s not entirely true, but he cannot bother with details now, not before he finds out what ramifications Rose’s actions have had.) But honestly: oh, Doctor, I can’t travel with you, I need to… hang on, you’ve got a time machine? Marvelous, I’ll just skip off to 1987, save my dying Dad and blow the entire time and space to Kingdom Come! Humans!

Not that he doesn’t understand though. Oh, he does, better than anyone. Perhaps that’s why he is so angry.

Episode 1x09, “The Empty Child”

Perhaps it’s her punishment for lying. She has been hiding the truth for too long, and now retribution is coming in the form of that terrifying child stalking her. It’s not Jamie anymore, it can’t be him. Nancy covers her face with her hands and for a moment she can’t figure out what she is more afraid of: turning into something like him or finally admitting the truth. Perhaps if she had not lied, none of this would have happened. Too late now anyway. She has mouths to feed and people to keep safe. All she can do is run.

Episode 1x10, “The Doctor Dances”

They’re an odd couple really. All the sparks flying, all the glance exchanges, and not really a couple in that sense, it seems. Perhaps still dancing around, but who is he to interfere? First of all, they’ve just saved his life when he had already said his goodbyes; second of all, he likes them both; never been one for breaking up couples anyway. She wears a Union Jack t-shirt in the Blitz - terrific idea! He has a nice smile, in a manic sort of way. She’s “available” and “very”. He has a sonic screwdriver (which is good for a lot of things now that Jack dwells on it). Oh, and they’ve just saved his life (worth mentioning again). They saved his life while dancing. Crazy, both of them. Jack’s kind of crazy. Good for sticking around.

Episode 1x11, “Boom Town”

In all the time he’d known Rose, she’d never been selfish. She was many things, but not this. Yet when this Doctor showed up, she discarded everything (including him) like garbage and went on to live her pretty life among the stars. And Mickey, he was just a speck of dust in the whole wide universe.

But there was another reason for Mickey to resent the Doctor. The train of death and destruction that he dragged along swept over everyone on the Doctor’s way, turning people who came in contact with him into something they were not supposed to be. Mickey realized it fully when he found himself unable to look into Margaret Slitheen’s eyes.

Episode 1x12, “Bad Wolf”

Oh, how terrified they should be of him! They launch all these clever plans and brilliant military strategies - and then comes he, the man without a plan, making it up as he goes. And there it is, a tiny spark of fear contaminating the entire Dalek fleet. For the Doctor has made Rose Tyler a promise - and he never breaks his promises.

Episode 1x13, “The Parting of the Ways”

He never really-. Okay, maybe once. Yeah, when she saved her father from dying and sort of brought about the end of the world. But even then, not so much. He never regretted asking her to come along, because of all things a human being could be, Rose was just that - fantastic. Absolutely, undeniably, remarkably brilliant. It never even occurred to her to turn her back and run. In the end, she was braver than he was.

A pity, really, that he would never see her again. Not like that. But she was ready to die for him - and she was so worth dying for.

And he was not alone this time. It was a good life after all, he supposed as his ninth life came to an end.

Christmas Special 2005, “The Christmas Invasion”

The Doctor does not do families. No. Just no, not his style. Fighting off monsters, hopping from one wondrous planet to another, picking up the pieces of the Time War - oh, that’s easy. Listening to Rose’s Mum yammer about, uh… dodgy top-up cards for half-price? Thanks, but no, thanks.

Then again, families are not usually so forthcoming about him either. They don’t try to pull him out of the post-regeneration coma and don’t dress him in nightgowns with unexpected food items in the pockets. And they don’t defend the Earth alongside him.

So maybe he’s that sort of a man for once. A man who can enjoy a simple family meal and let himself be happy. It’s Christmas, after all.

Series 1: Part 1

gen, tv, fanfiction, doctor who

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