Doctor Who: Sparks [Ten II/Rose] (for Steff)

Jan 05, 2010 21:12

Title: “Sparks”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Timeline: End of Time
Summary: A small memory helps Rose understand. [Ten II/Rose, implied Rose/Ten; SPOILERS up to and including The End of Time. Part Two]
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC. And RTD is a bloody genius.
Dedication: for industrialgirl1. Steff, darling, Happy New Year! <3 This is as close to Ten/ ( Read more... )

gift fic, ch: rose tyler, fanfiction, ch: ten ii, het, p: rose/ten ii, tv, doctor who

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Comments 20

industrialgirl1 January 5 2010, 19:48:13 UTC
OMG!!!))) I love you!!! I want to read but I haven't watched yet(((( I'll read it as soon as I'm finished!!! *goes off to watch*


istne_pieklo January 5 2010, 19:55:10 UTC
I love you too!!! <333 Hope you'll like it (both the ep and the fic))))


You're the best EDM in all the worlds and all time! industrialgirl1 January 5 2010, 21:16:55 UTC
Oh darling... finished watching and reading and damn but your fic made me tear up. It fits so well with those last scenes in EoT as if it could be part of the canon. So bittersweet. ;____;

And this:
He never stops. Even when it annoys her. Even when it annoys her that it annoys her. And her thoughts go round and round until she starts thinking like him, looking at the world through his eyes and smiling and laughing at all her problems like he teaches her to do.

has got to be my favorite part. It's so beautiful sweetie!
Thank you so much! This goes straight to my memories!♥



Re: And you're the best SED anyone could ever wish for! istne_pieklo January 5 2010, 21:23:51 UTC
That scene in EoT when he visits Rose has to be one of the most heartbreaking and sweet scenes ever! T_T
Glad you liked it))) It must be hard being the Doctor's girlfriend, he can be overwhelmingly crazy)))))
<333 May this year be AWESOME for you, luv! *super-hug of EDM-ish doom*


rosalui January 5 2010, 21:51:22 UTC
;___; I love that she kind of remembered. And that idea that he's out there with a new face now... it's fascinating and sad all at once.

Great fic.


istne_pieklo January 5 2010, 21:54:55 UTC
I believe she had to remember))) He's so recognizable)))) Damn, I had to rewatch that scene and it made me sob)))
Thank you, darling! <3


tempusdominus10 January 5 2010, 23:00:37 UTC
Aww! nice. And that icon! LOrDYE!


istne_pieklo January 6 2010, 06:05:36 UTC
Thank you very much. :)


emraldeyedauter January 6 2010, 08:46:30 UTC
Ah another beautiful fic giving some closure to the Rose and Ten fans. I'm slowly starting to be able to read these without bursting into tears but my heart is still heavy.


istne_pieklo January 6 2010, 11:21:38 UTC
I don't think I'll ever stop bursting in tears over this show. T_T
Thank you for reading. :)


satalex January 6 2010, 21:08:30 UTC
Oh, nostalgia............. <3 Niiiiice! I remember this moment thanks to fanvids!


istne_pieklo January 6 2010, 21:11:39 UTC
Which one in particular? If you're talking about the memory, it's from EoT 2, I'm not sure it's been in any fanvids yet. Unless you've been watching some of the latest Doctor/Rose vids? XDDDD


satalex January 6 2010, 21:14:15 UTC
gah, not the moment, but.. how is that called? can't find the right word. that other dimension thing. xD


istne_pieklo January 6 2010, 21:18:26 UTC
Ah))) Storyline, I guess))) Yeah, there are some really beautiful fanvids about it)))


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