Fic: The Misfortunes of One Christmas Hiatus

Jan 03, 2009 19:18

Title: “The Misfortunes of One Christmas Hiatus”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Summary: The Author wants to sleep. The Author’s Brother, Wife and Character have other plans. [semi-RPS, crack, implied KishiSasu, implied SasuNaru] Please R&R!
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto Masashi. Kishimoto Masashi obviously also belongs to Kishimoto Masashi.
A/N: I’ll never get tired of this, and no way in hell am I sorry! You hear me, Kishimoto-sensei?))) Anyway, this piece of insanity offers, among other things, an explanation of why the promised hiatus was prematurely over. I have little idea of how comics are actually published (especially in Japan), so nevermind any inaccuracies.
Dedication: for artsatalex and industrialgirl1. You two are the patron saints of insanity!

Ho Ho Ho!!!

anime, gen, naruto, crack circle, fanfiction

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