SasuKishi: Under Control

Oct 01, 2008 21:55

Title: “Under Control”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Summary: Sasuke reads Naruto Databook III. Sasuke is not amused. The Author pays the price. [semi-RPS, crack, SasuKishi] Please R&R!
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto Masashi. Kishimoto Masashi obviously also belongs to Kishimoto Masashi.
A/N: After a forced break for work that has nearly driven me into my tomb, I bring you this bit of insanity. Someone has to uphold the Crack Circle.


Q. If you were a girl, who would you like as your boyfriend?
A. Shikamaru. He's smart and looks like he might be successful in life.
Naruto Databook III

It all started out as a very bad day. Don’t get me wrong: I really do love my job. But a couple of hours of bickering with the editor over Naruto’s new Sexy no Jutsu, a cup of coffee spilt over my story notes, another dead houseplant and a sudden realization that you’re running terribly, inexcusably late with handing over the latest chapter can drive anyone mad.

Naturally, all flustered and cranky as I was, dashing about the flat and occasionally tripping over the intricately tangled wires of my own PC, the last thing I needed was a surprise visit from a certain product of my imagination, clinically devoid of the sense of humour.

He crept inside the flat noiselessly and leaned gracefully against the wall in my living room, eyeing my tossing about dispassionately. While we were playing the usual cat-and-mouse game of “I know you’re here but I’m not ready to give in to my insanity yet again and acknowledge your presence while you know I know you’re here and I know that you know that I know it; so what?” (yeah, it figures; I get confused around the middle of it so if you ‘dig’ as Killer Bee would probably say, then you’re more awesome than I am) - anyway, while doing all that, I panicked tremendously beneath his studious gaze and made up my mind to drive him away just this once because I really had other business to attend to.

I spun around to face him, gulped down an immense lump in my throat at the sight of his flowing white shirt that left half of his chest exposed and blurted out decisively:


Sasuke cocked an eyebrow at me. He looked even more uninterested now.

“No,” I undertook to repeat and dropped the heavy stack of papers I had been holding down on the table in confirmation of my intentions. It made a low thudding sound. “No, no and no!”

“Yes,” he breathed in a husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. And if shivers had been hungry flesh-eating monsters, I would have had no spine within an instant.


“We need to talk.”

“Which part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?” I bellowed. My single chance was slipping away, and I was hell-bent on not letting it go. “The ‘n’ or the ‘o’?”

“Been busy lately?” Sasuke inquired. I suppressed the urge to growl, ‘Am busy now!’ and decided simply to ignore him. It wasn’t easy, and he didn’t intend to make it easy for me. “Any new ambitious projects?”

There was something about his voice that I immediately disliked. Sasuke had never been a master of verbal interrogation; I had made sure of that. And I didn’t really want him to use his other abilities on me.

“Maybe some interesting interviews?” he prodded.

“No idea what you’re talking about.”

He came closer and produced a familiar volume with Naruto for the cover art. The recently published third Official Databook. I knitted my eyebrows, trying to conceive of what bit of information could have him so discontented. Surely not some compromising details of his childhood since there were none. The ‘intelligence’ bit? Not such a big deal, after all: it was never intended to be his forte. We have Shikamaru for that.

Then it hit me.


Sasuke was looking at me expectantly. I absolutely hated the turn things were taking.

“What?” I asked (rather, squeaked), trying to hold his icy gaze. “It’s purely hypothetically! Doesn’t mean anything. I had to say something, didn’t I?”

“Yes; how about the truth?”

“It is the truth!” I paused. “Sort of. They asked me who I’d have fancied if I’d been a girl. Well, I am not a girl, right?”

Sasuke snorted.

“What are you, jealous?” I teased.

His face darkened. “Hn. Uchihas are above jealousy. You should be aware of that.”

It was my turn to grimace. I turned my back on him and addressed my super-sarcastic grin to the book-shelf. Jealous! Peachy.

“I couldn’t make things too obvious,” I said a few minutes later, still feeling his hard gaze boring into the back of my neck. The silence in the room was becoming very unnerving. I squinted up at him. “See, on one hand, we don’t want to feed those bashers on the net that claim that I fancy you-.”

“You do fancy me,” Sasuke stated in a peremptory tone.

“That’s not the issue now!” I forced my self to look away from the flawless curve of his jaw (I’m good with faces!) and concentrated on the wall behind him, noticing for the first time the wallpaper in the room was actually very pretty. “On the other hand, there is Naruto and his fans and the fans of you two, you know, together - and they are even more fearsome.”

He flashed me a very eloquent look; for a moment I was extremely glad there was a table between us. Sasuke could be intimidating if he wanted to. He brought his face closer to mine, and I resumed my speech, trying to distract myself from bland staring at his creamy skin that made such gorgeous contrast to his sleek black bangs brushing over his forehead.

“Oh, and there’s the third factor. When it’s involved the repercussions usually equal the power of three tsunamis and a tornado combined. Naruto.” Sasuke arched his eyebrows quizzically. “Don’t want him after my ass.”

“Don’t want him after your ass either,” the misfortunate product of my thrice accursed imagination scoffed.

Insert facepalm here.

“Where does all that snarkiness go in the manga?” I wondered, my lips within an inch of his. Giving-In-To-Abysmal-Instincts strikes again. The new stunning erotic thriller starring one crazy mangaka and his a little too hot character, coming soon. Too soon, to my taste, but honestly, between work and Sasuke, what would you choose?

Sasuke’s lips curved into a barely visible smirk.

“It’s too… troublesome.”

I froze, then groaned in defeat:

“Just what are you doing to me?”

Suddenly the table between us seemed even more appealing, though in a completely different way. I cast a goodbye glance at the coffee-stained notes and the solemnly gleaming screen of my forsaken computer with the tablet plugged in and ready for work and surrendered to my sweet torment.

I have to admit it wasn’t that bad a day after all.

September 8, 2008

Also, guys, I cannot believe it but my first SasuKishi fic Meet the Maker has been translated into Italian by the most amazing rekichan and HanabiUchiha!

slash, anime, naruto, crack circle, fanfiction

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