Team Hawk fic: Moon Rabbit (for dayadhvam_triad)

Sep 10, 2008 22:37

Title: “Moon Rabbit”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: current manga arc
Summary: Sasuke watches his current team and thinks that maybe he still has ties to the past. Maybe it’s time for them to start caring for each other because they are so much more than a band of mercenaries. [Team Hawk; spoilers for 414] Please R&R!
Disclaimer: Naruto ( Read more... )

anime, gift fic, gen, naruto, hebi, fanfiction

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Comments 26

dune_master September 10 2008, 19:10:00 UTC
For some reason the first line cracked me up completely! I can actually really imagine Suigetsu start a conversation like this!)))))
Karin cooking... Run, baby, run! XDDDD

“if I die for someone… for you, for instance, what do I get for it?”

You get to change your name to Tsukino Usagi and fight for love and justice for the rest of yer life, mate!)))))
Cute fic, sweetie! It's both funny and touching and very fitting for a rainy evening.


istne_pieklo September 10 2008, 19:21:07 UTC
LOL!)))) Yes, me too))) You never know what goes on in Sui's head.
Hahaha, she's a kitchen Terminator. Or rather, campfire, cuz it's outside)))
Now that sounds like smth Sui could say too! XDDDDD *hugs*
Thank you, darling! Glad you like it.


fyretoppaaa September 10 2008, 21:37:14 UTC
GLEEEEEE more people writing Team Hawk. Honestly, there isn't enough fiction treating the relationships among the team in general--too much pairingfic (and even then, the fic barely exists! :|).

I thought you did this really well, and the comparisons between Team 7 and Team Hawk weren't as overbearing as I've seen done sometimes. There was just the right balance between nostalgia and common sense for it not to become maudlin. ♥

And I love your Suigetsu--he's hilarious. Karin's pretty great, too. I think my favorite line had to be: He didn’t want to be friends with him (wasn’t even sure this was somehow possible because Suigetsu was more like a pet piranha than a mate), because it's a hilariously accurate sum-up of the general impression of Sui's character. XD

All-in-all, great fic, funny and somehow touching with slightly deeper undertones. I really enjoyed it, and I hope you write more Team Hawk. (:


istne_pieklo September 11 2008, 06:44:46 UTC
LOL, I love this team! I love them more than any other ninja team we've seen so far, almost as much as Team Seven))) You're right! There isn't nearly enough Hawk fics! As for me, this is my first general Hawk fic (before that I wrote Suigetsu/Sasuke fics only).
Thank you so much! I don't see them fitting into the images of the members of Team Seven completely, so I tried to highlight that despite certain similarities they would never replace Sasuke's old team. But the relationship with them could be more than a few words' exchange in a fight. =)
I'm a huge fan of Suigetsu))) I'm glad you think he's all right here. :))
I'm planning to sometime. Team Hawk is the team I'm always coming back to! XDD


okroginator September 11 2008, 00:06:24 UTC

This...this...this. ILU~

Team Hawk is amazing, and you've captured exactly what it is about them that is amazing.


istne_pieklo September 11 2008, 06:54:06 UTC
Thank you!!!! <3 I'm thrilled that you like it! XDD *dances*


helike September 11 2008, 07:32:57 UTC
“Never mind. It was just my creepy attempt to start a conversation.”

Well... he really is better at starting conversations than some Uchiha bastard >.>;;

Juugo could have been a pervert and Karin could have been in love with him.

Er... is that boy blind or something? Karin has a crush on him =.=

Funny how I suddenly remembered that legend about poor rabbit. Hahahaha... In this group, Juugo is the rabbit I think.

Beautiful fic, honey :)


istne_pieklo September 11 2008, 08:28:16 UTC
Hahaha, yeah, Sui's actually got talented compared to Sasuke!))) I love everything he says in the manga)))
Well... he's not that blind, you know. Cuz in this case he means she could be in love with him like Sakura whereas I believe it's just lust. I don't see her caring for him like Sakura did, but I do see her wanting him))
I think after chapter 414 all three of them are rabbits in a way)))) Funny how Sui denies it)))
Glad you like it! <3 Thank you!)))


helike September 11 2008, 12:00:13 UTC
Well... Sui does have a talent for hitting the right spot ^^; Kinda like Naruto :P

Good word here... Lust is definitely the right word ^^; No wonder he pretends he sees nothing :P

If he agreed, it wouldn't be Sui anymore :P In a good team, all members of it are rabbits in a way ;)


istne_pieklo September 11 2008, 12:11:32 UTC
Oh yes! That's what horrifies Sasuke about him))) Too many memories)))
I don't know, maybe Kishi will uncover some different side of Karin. I never liked her (quite the opposite, I guess) and never thought of her as a faithful follower or friend to anyone. I'm almost certain that out of the three Hebi members she would be the forst one to betray Sasuke if things go wrong. So it definitely isn't anything like love or devotion.
Hahaha, yes! I love him the way he is)))
LOL, it's an oddly philosophical concept: everyone is a rabbit... XDDD Rabbit ninja!


anat_astarte September 13 2008, 02:36:25 UTC
I really like the incorporation of the folklore in this story. I also enjoyed Sasuke's comparisons of Team Hawk with Team 7, and his attempts to talk to them instead of remaining closed off. I love Suigetsu's last lines in particular, because they open the door to wonder just why these three have really chosen to follow Sasuke, and also could get Sasuke thinking about how he feels about that. Nice fic! :D


istne_pieklo September 13 2008, 06:41:41 UTC
Thank you very much! ^_^ For some reason I find this legend very fitting after the fight with Hachibi. I've always loved Team Hebi, but their actions nevertheless caught me by surprise: I haven't expected them to protect Sasuke like they did, much less trigger the flashback of Team Seven))))


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