Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x06: Who's Alice

Nov 22, 2013 15:31

I hadn't expected much from a heavily Alice-centric episode, but while there were things that made me cringe, there were also some things that I rather liked.

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once upon a time/in wonderland, tv, reaction post

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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 14:02:36 UTC
Nooo, you can't stop watching. XDDDD This is such a wonderful show, I feel like a proper Mean Girl when I discuss it. XDDD Besides, Michael Socha. XD
They both have major issues, but the writers will just pretend that obsessive love like this is actually a good thing. This seems to be an alarming trend lately, and not just in these TV-shows. It actually reminds of Sylvie from BH and what Hal says about her thinking that her love would be enough to fix him. This is such a wtf-moment for me: it's like love is this universal cure-all. It's a nice but idealistic point of view. Why is it so freaking important for love to be some kind of a healing/fixing/life-altering power? Why can't it just be, idk, there?
LMAO, poor Cyrus. XD I don't think he and Alice should have sex any time soon. >_<
OMG, eleven? His dialogue is getting worse. That's alarming.
Will is a nice enough bloke at it is, so you can imagine what'll happen when he restores it: true love will lobotomise him as well. That's what I fear as well. You saw him in the previous ep: he was kind of fluffy and not nearly as sassy. Then again, he didn't seem altogether different in the Robin Hood flashbacks, so maybe he's just that fluffy around his twu wuv. Still, this feels like a cop out: he can't love Ana now b/c he has no heart, not b/c she's a bitch who hurt him. Thanks a lot, show.
I mean, it's not that I'm cynical about love. In fact, I'm quite the sap and appreciate a good love story. And I also think dysfunctional couples can be really interesting (Spuffy, for instance) if the writers acknowledge that it's fucked up. I can say the same about myself. Well, in fiction, happy couples are usually less interesting, I suppose, but then, it also depends on how they're written. OUAT can make any couple terrible. XDDD It's the talent of the writers.
At least Alice had some grounds to be mopey in this ep. She thought Cyrus died. She could have been a total Bella and had nightmares just b/c he broke up with her or smth)))
I like that Alice is a physical fighter and the Knave describes himself as a lover. Me too, except most of the time I want her to use all those fighting skills on Cyrus and I doubt that's gonna happen. XD
Hey, what happened to that woman from a couple of weeks back? The Lizard, was it? The writers forgot she ever existed. XD Not the first time it happens in this lovely show.
Well, I guess that can be justified by the fact that the villains have their castles (cool floating island btw ;))) and ergo, their wardrobes, so they can change any time they want. But yes, good means poor and poorly dressed. (Btw is it just me or are Alice's "English" outfits kind of... weird?)
Uuuugh, I keep wanting to write smth re: Ripper Street but I either have no time or my eyes wage a war on me. This was actually the first episode I watched more or less attentively (and still didn't like), but yeah, I'll try to write smth. Damien was cute but... I can't even explain what it is that I dislike. But it feels like he's wasting his talent on hell knows what.


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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 14:51:46 UTC
I hate that scene too! And not just the fact that we're supposed to feel sorry for Hal but the parallel between Hal/Sylvie and Hal/Alex they're clearly implying there. I hate it when they (be it canon writers or fic writers) try to force Alex into this power-of-love stereotype. She's not there to save Hal, you morons! She's there because Hal caused her death! The Alex that I love is the one that snarks at him in the last eps of s4 and yells at him in 5x01. I have no idea what kind of a person Sylvie was but if she genuine believed she could change a centuries old vampire, she was a moron.
we'll probably find out that he's in love with Jasmine and that's why he wants to alter the rules of magic. To force her into loving him too. I'm afraid so. I'm trying to be hopeful because so far we know it was originally Amara's idea and we know Jafar has ambition in spades, so maaaaybe he's really doing it to be the coolest wizard on the block. Is it too much to hope for this? XD
Haha the boots were cool. XDDD (let's face it, anything that is not out of the Red Queen's wardrobe is cool on this show)
I wonder what his three wishes are? 1. For Alice to stop talking about Cyrus; 2. For Alice and Cyrus to get back together and never ever ever need his help again b/c srsly! 3. For Ana to get rid of all the botox if they're ever getting back together. XD
Btw I don't really get how Alice could promise to give him the wishes if apparently it's impossible for the genie to change the owner unless the previous one has made all the wishes... So the wishes are non-transferrable? Then wtf is the point of their deal?
I just find it amusing that you can write about this show for Socha, and dissect two seconds of Gower-filled screen-time, but nothing for poor DM. I'm not actually bored with OUATiW. Yes, it's terrible, but it's soooo terrible that it makes me laugh. Socha is a lovely bonus, but I can also meangirl all the other characters and generally have fun. Gower is... apparently my one true love. XDDD I honestly don't know how I watch all this crap he's in. (Speaking of BH cast: I heard Ellie Kendrick and Kate Bracken are/will be in Misfits. I'm on the fence about it, but I might check out their scenes. Andrew's ep was horrible.) As for Damien and Ripper Street, that's just the problem: the show is boring. Like, really boring. When I watched Monroe f.ex., I was still upset Mullery played such a small part, but I liked the show overall. I don't like Ripper Street, I don't like any of the characters and even the supposedly interesting setting isn't enough to keep me going. Damien's character seriously has nothing to do there. Gower at least dies creatively. XDDDDD


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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 15:39:48 UTC
oh God, why am I still so BITTER about it? Because this used to be the show you loved and they fucked it up? XDDD One of these days I will write a super-huge Doctor Who post and then the world will shudder at how bitter I am even though it's been, like, 3 years since Moffat took over. XD There is nothing like having the show you love ruined.
I'm bitter about BH too though. I can't even mock it or anything because I'm allergic to it. Idk, but I suspect Sleep of Reason will be my last BH fic unless I miraculously stop feeling so let down by this show. (Considering that fic is like 15 chapters, that's not bad. XD)))
Jafar is more likely to fall in love with Alice's father or the freakin' Rabbit LMAO, well, Alice did accuse her father that he'd married without love. Imagine her reaction when he goes: Daughter, I found my true love! *points at Jafar* The Rabbit might just have a heart attack though. Honestly, I just want the Rabbit to stand for himself just once! Kick all their asses for all the times he's been shoved into a bag, had his foot chopped off, has been threatened and intimidated both by the villains and the good guys! OUATiW 2: Revenge of the White Rabbit, coming soon to a Matrix near you. ;)
...poor Sultan. >_<
Bloody hell, you're right! And I heard the Knave's voice XDDDD
I'd rather Alice were lying because if she isn't, then it's yet another writerly fail and this show has tooooo many.
I'll probably wait, yes. Then again, the preview for the next ep indicates no Flight again, which probably means there's like 2 seconds of him there. /siiiigh I need to find new actors to love.


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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 16:03:35 UTC
That's depressing. :( But I suppose it's simply impossible to justify Hal in s5. You either love him no matter what (like many fans seem to do) or you give up. What bugs me is not even that the world was destroyed because of him but that he never got so much as punched for that. Or yelled at. Or anything! Was it too much to ask?
ROFL, love pollen is the lousier version of sex pollen apparently.
Uuuugh, we dooooo! But the latest crop of shows seems so... moronic. >_<
Aww, Adam. Damn, I love every ep in s4 to pieces (except maybe 4x08). I didn't even rewatch the finale during the big s4 rewatch a few months ago. I can't handle Cutler's death and the knowledge that after the finale comes s5 XD Tbh I've been thinking BH lately and I've discovered that I have soooo many tiny idiotic issues with it. Like, srsly idiotic. F.ex.: would it have killed them to have a blonde girl playing Hetty in 5x01? The original Hetty was blonde, so why the hell did they cast a brunette? Did she dye her hair or smth? It just irks me irrationally. And why would they introduce Milo - a pretty cool character - only to have him vanish without a trace! I'm nitpicking but it annoys me. I'm 9000 % sure my favourite show isn't supposed to annoy me.


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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 16:48:02 UTC
Same story here. I remember having ideas where Rook wakes the trio up from their devil dreams and they fight him together, but then I thought: Hang on, that would imply I agree that the devil is canon. XD So I chose not to write it. My contribution to the finale is that tiny ficlet about all this being Hal's hallucination.
Oh, I should have made myself more clear, sorry. I do agree that Cutler's death was cool and it made total sense for his character. I just physically can't watch it because it's too freaking cruel and I want to burst in tears and kill everyone when I see it. Sometimes I see gifs from it on Tumblr and I want to kill whoever posted them. It was a perfectly shocking scene but I saw it once and I don't want to see it again. Whenever I rewatch that ep, I close my eyes. >_<
That's not so surprising for me actually. F.ex. I just know I can't ever rewatch Torchwood: Children of Earth. It was one of the most brilliant pieces of writing ever, but I cried sooooo hard. I don't want to cry like that again. Doctor Who's s4 episode Turn Left is the same: it's brilliant but it's the one episode that scares the hell out of me because it's so realistic with all those labour camps and suchlike.
Maybe Hetty dyed her hair because she was on the run from the DoDD or something? But it is weird considering we only just saw her in 4x08 looking completely different. Could be that. Like I said, it's an irrational nitpick of mine XD I think the girl in 5x01 did a great job though. But it upsets me that everyone seems to only know her Hetty and not the first one. Sometimes I'm not sure most people even know that extra scene with Ivan, Daisy and Hetty even exists.
I've basically come to the conclusion that S5 was unnecessary one way or the other. 4x08 was the logical conclusion to the show. We start with Annie's death and end with her crossing over. I agree. It just feels like they decided to squeeze every trope they could think of that was popular now into s5. All those devil-related things are probably very popular due to SPN and of course we have the healing love and the humanisation and whatnot. I'd really like to look the Toby in the eyes and ask him if he actually thinks s5 was awesome.
What boggles my mind is the amount of people who declare S5 either the best series or the second best after S1. I bet those are the people who like Alice/Cyrus. XDDDD (No but really: there are people who genuinely love Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey; what do you expect from the world?))
Btw I watched that teen suckage Aidan Turner is in, City of Bones. I'm half-tempted to do a recap but I'm afraid it'd be something like: WTF did I watch and WHY?


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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 17:03:09 UTC
Oh, it doesn't stop me from making pizza jokes. XDDD But I'd rather not look at it ever again.
I guess they the same fans who were watching for Mitchell's hotness and to chew out Nina. You'd think those fans were the ones who claimed to have stopped watching after series 3...
Oh, God, you should totally recap it. LMAO. I almost fell asleep watching it. But I'll try. XDDD But honestly, Aidan should choose his roles more carefully.


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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 17:12:29 UTC
Okay, I need a break from work, so I'll go do that recap now while I still have the power to laugh at it instead of weeping for what people actually read, write and watch these days!
Maybe we're stuck in one of Hatch's nightmares and doomed to watch all these terrible shows for the rest of eternity. I am scared. That makes too much sense. >_<
I have ISSUES with The Hobbit. It's one of my favourite books but the movie - with all my respect for Peter Jackson - is too... idk, Hollywood? It's too epic. In the Toby sense. But Turner's cute, yes XD


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istne_pieklo November 22 2013, 18:31:41 UTC
Have fun. XD I'm afraid it's not very coherent and not very... sane. XD
Oh, I like things too. XD Just not all the time. Sometimes it's fun to hate things.
I'm a huge fan of the original LOTR trilogy. I do believe it's a fairly faithful adaptation and I don't mind the few changes they made. In fact I think they were more or less necessary. The books are too big after all. Bur The Hobbit? It's not that they added useless stuff. They butchered the spirit of the book! It's not magical anymore. What I love most about the book is its simplicity. It's very uncomplicated but layered at the same time. But Jackson apparently felt he had to add more "epicness" and SFX and weird storylines from supplementary material and a Mary Sue elf coming up in the next parts. Argh!


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