Title: “Good Times, Bad Times”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: R
Timeline: canon divergence mid-Episode 4x08, “The War Child”
Summary: When Cutler comes to Honolulu Heights with the purpose of killing Eve, it is Hal who opens the door. And he doesn’t let him enter. From here on out, it’s either a horror show or a sitcom. Cutler is not quite certain what
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I always got the sense that Cutler was pretty consistent. He could make a Face Heel Turn in a second, but at least he didn't act like someone else was making decisions for him. Sure, he blamed Hal for making him a vampire, but that was it. No split personality rubbish (like Mitchell in that sense). Come to think of it, I think Cutler and Mitchell have something in common. Namely turning against someone who pisses them off. XD So yes, Cutler totally has the right to LOL at Hal's excuses.
Cutler is hopeless when it comes to Hal. He's grown a spine, but it's not helping. XDDD
LOL, I got even greater thrill out of having Hal finally tell Snow to fuck off. XD He's usually so afraid of him.
Whaaat, you don't think Snow was in love with Haaaal? XDDDD
LMAO, I don't think I've ever been thanked for killing a baby. XDD Kind of morbid. But I bet Future Eve is dancing with joy on the other side. XD
I don't think I've ever killed this many people at once in a fanfic. XDDD I had to brace myself and put up the warning on AO3 after all. >_<
I have a love/hate relationship with this story. I want it to end (and to start writing another monster fic project), but I'm going to miss Cutler's immeasurable snark. I don't think that I could have coped with series 5 if I hadn't been able to channel it through Cutler. XDD
Thank you for reading, darling! And for sticking with this disaster of a story)))
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