What is wrong with my favourite shows this week!? First we get an episode of SPN that looks like a knock-off of Charmed; then Being Human turns into a bizarre lovechild of BtVS and SPN. So let's throw together a quick reaction post and move on from this nightmare.
Basically, this is me now:
1. Oh yes, start the Previously montage with Cutler and break my heart, why don't you?
2. Lady Catherine is badass. But I must confess I expected more of her. She seems like a fun character and she seems to have some great chemistry with Hal, so... they killed her too soon. Why am I not surprised? Why we're at it, Hal was kind of fun in the flashbacks. Evilish obviously, but not as stuck up as he was in 4x07. I like the facets of Hal. Tell me more.
(c) zacharybosch 3. The trio. I loved the trio dynamics. I absolutely loved Tom and Alex (you know what? sod the Tom/Hal bromance, give me all the Tom and Alex! XD JK, but still, these two are epic). Especially Tom's rigidly courteous upbringing conflicting with Alex... not really being a lady. XD I love the moment with the door when they went to MiG's archives and the one in the archives too. Needless to say, I absolutely adore Alex's breakdown over her family have already got her body. It's hands down the best moment of the entire episode. Alex is incredibly strong, so it's twice more painful to see her breaking down like that. And it's not just touching because of Alex, but because of Tom too.
(c) watchtowerhere 3. I also loved it when Alex yelled at Hal. Because - does he honestly expect her to just get over her murder? Even if he wasn't the one to kill her, it was because of him.
4. Speaking of Hal. I'm pretty sure he should not be allowed to exist. At all. Because my brain stops working when he is on screen. I mean, hey, first this:
(c) supernatasha Then this:
(c) electricity-is-in-my-quesadilla And finally we have a lady who is pretty much the representation of the fandom:
(c) i-like-blue-boxes 5. MR ROOK! I love Mr Rook. Oh my God, Dominic, LOL! XD I don't really understand why Alex is so mad at him (strictle speaking, if getting her body to her family had been her unfinished business, then I don't think it would have mattered who did it), but the scene where she trolled him was fun.
(c) herapotterThat said, I also loved his scene with Hal. I want more scenes between Hal and him, I'm prepared to ship them. XD The scene with the pen was also pretty badass. The scene with Crumb... er... well, there was Crumb in it, so not so much.
Also, as a side note: I totally didn't recognize Lord Toby (who played the Home Secretary, I hear) and I can't feel a small pinprick of YAY! at seen Steven Robertson (Mr Rook) as a regular cast member. I think it's the first time someone outside the house is a regular, right?
6. Hetty! Yay for her! Why did she dye her hair? Camouflage? XD I wonder if LOL Dominic really kept his promise and shipped her off to Bolivia or if he had her killed once she gave up Hal...
(c) anniespinkhouse 7. Alex's acceptance of her place in the supernatural world. AWWW! And of course her gorgeous inappropriate humour!
(c) beinghumangifs Now I'm afraid I'll have to move to the promised hissy fits, so if you loved this episode as much as I loved the aforementioned bits, you might want to stop reading here lest you want to kill me for hating on them.
7. I. HATE. the devil. storyline. I fucking HATE it. I find it idiotic. I hate the black smoke thingie that looks like SPN demons. I hate Captain Hatch. And I absolutely hate that weird magical ritual Hal, Lady Catherine and Emil performed. BH has never been about magic. I wouldn't mind it if it were subtle, more realistic, closer to the way they present other supernatural items. Don't get me wrong, I like magic. But I like it in the shows where it fits nice and logically. Like BtVS. This ritual was plain tacky. I couldn't help cringing throughout it and as much as I usually love parallels, I disliked the way it was interpolated with the scenes of... er.. Crumb? WHY!?
Captain Hatch didn't seem scary to me at all so far. If anything, he seemed yucky. The whole cryptic He Will Rise thing that the poor hotel-worker wrote with her blood in the style of Ginny Weasley also seems like some cheap trick. This is not what I expect from BH. This is very low quality. I try to console myself by telling myself it's only just the first episode. But the mention of the Apocalypse and the devil rising... Sorry, no. Not in BH, please.
8. Crumb. I fucking HATE Crumb. Arguably even more than I hated the devil. What is this, I don't even... WHY!? So Hal apparently can't watch another person die. Brilliant. Nice one, Hal. This was the only time in all of Hal's episodes when I wanted to punch him (and boy, am I glad that Tom did!). Crumb is fugly, he's a Cutler rip-off (in terms of being a loser with delusions of grandeur), except where Cutler was quirky, arguably cute and a good planner, Crumb is just a loser. If there is anything I hate more than vampire romance, it's turning someone to save their life. Excuse me, Hal, darling, did you ask him? No, of course you didn't, not your style. This is exactly why I found Hal's excuse so idiotic: he couldn't let Crumb die, but he should have realized that Crumb would kill a lot more people. Yes, he did lock him up, but Hal himself is a great example of how these cravings do not subside even centuries later! And Hal's suicide attempt, the same stake for both of them! Very symbolic. All that blah-blah-blah about being each other's past and future. Symbolism is nothing more than a smoke screen for idiotic coincidences. And now MiG want to use Crumb for something. Well, thanks a lot, mates, I was hoping you'd at least be sensible enough to put him down.
So, basically, me after watching this episode:
(c) anniespinkhouse