Title: “Good Times, Bad Times”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: R
Timeline: canon divergence mid-Episode 4x08, “The War Child”
Summary: When Cutler comes to Honolulu Heights with the purpose of killing Eve, it is Hal who opens the door. And he doesn’t let him enter. From here on out, it’s either a horror show or a sitcom. Cutler is not quite certain what
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Adam is such a nightmare to write! I even rewatched Becoming Human and I'd rewatched 4x05 not that long ago, but UUUUGH! I have no idea how to handle these two, so I was really nervous about this chapter.
Haha, Adam is indeed exceptionally successful at staying dry. Every vampire needs their own succubus! Maybe Hal could ask the devil to make more of those. XDDD (Though I really do hope Yvonne's father looked better than Captain Hatch.)
Cutler will have to snap out of his Hal-related denial sooner or later))) I think it's clear that his newfound independence is... not as strong as he likes to believe. XD
:D I just couldn't resist having Cutler fall off the bike. XDDD Poor baby hasn't been tormented enough! It's like Spike said in BtVS: "Making yourself feel better with a round of kick the Spike." This gang plays another game: kick the Nick. XD
I think Cutler would be even more scared of Annie if he knew that in canon, it is Annie who kills him. XDD
Snow/Yvonne is the OTP from now. What Hal/Cutler? This fic is about Snow/Yvonne! And the great plot to get them together because true love always wins. XD
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