Being Human: Good Times, Bad Times [Hal/Cutler + ensemble] 2/?

Jan 18, 2013 00:21

Title: “Good Times, Bad Times”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: R
Timeline: canon divergence mid-Episode 4x08, “The War Child”
Summary: When Cutler comes to Honolulu Heights with the purpose of killing Eve, it is Hal who opens the door. And he doesn’t let him enter. From here on out, it’s either a horror show or a sitcom. Cutler is not quite certain what ( Read more... )

gen, ch: eve sands, being human, ch: alex millar, fanfiction, ch: nick cutler, slash, ch: hal yorke, good times bad times, p: hal/cutler, ch: annie sawyer, ch: tom mcnair, tv

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istne_pieklo January 18 2013, 10:23:08 UTC
XDD Apart from Hal/books, I ship Cutler/children's shows. I couldn't help it.
I love Tom too. I do plan to let him have a spotlight occasionally, but he is very hard for me to write; besides, since it's Cutler's POV all the time, I think he's tryingt to stay away from Tom, though realistically it's Alex he should be more afraid of in my opinion. XD Or just the whole gang in general. XD
your Cutler is seriously the most awesome It really means a lot coming from you. <333 Thank you!
Cutler is fun to write because he's this explosive mix of anything and everything. Sometimes I'm tempted just to let him blabber non-stop and have other characters eyeroll and headdesk constantly. XDDD
Ugh, Whithouse is just evil. I don't know, maybe Andrew himself didn't want to continue? Some actors are weird and all for variety. XD Or Whithouse was just trying to show how unfair life is (because Cutler's life is one big unfair journey). Or he's just an evil bastard, which explains a lot when you remember he's from the BBC. XDDD
Thank you for reading! <3


non_canonical January 18 2013, 11:55:20 UTC
Another brilliant chapter! XD I know I said this last time around, but your Cutler "voice" is just the best.

Cutler/kids' TV shows - after the Trumpton comment, it's canon. :)

You've got such a great mix of angst and humour in this story. There are some really heartfelt Hal/Cutler moments in amongst the relentless snark. <3

And it's so good to have the whole ensemble here. I know Tom, in particular, can be difficult to write, but I like what you've done so far. And Alex - yeah, Cutler had better watch out! XD I really liked that (all too brief) scene in 4x08 where Cutler met Alex's ghost - her reactions and his were both wonderful - so it's good to see Cutler forced into this situation where's he's confronted by all of the gang. :)

Moar please!


istne_pieklo January 18 2013, 12:02:14 UTC
I'll never get tired of hearing it (considering that every time the posting process is packed with epic self-doubt >_<))).
Haha, imagine a story like the one you wrote about Hal and books, but starring Cutler who's stealing kids' TV shows on DVDs. XDDD
Tom and Annie are my two nightmares in writing, but I'll be trying to have more of them. XD
Oh, I love that scene too, hence the whole Cutler & Alex chemistry here. XD
Thank you for reading, darling! <333 I'm glad you're stull not disappointed (like I said, epic self-doubt ahoy))).


non_canonical January 18 2013, 12:45:01 UTC
I know that pesky self-doubt is a resilient creature. :( But your writing is always a pleasure and an inspiration. And it makes me weep bitter tears of envy, but let's not go into that! :P


istne_pieklo January 18 2013, 12:59:26 UTC
It's mutual. Last night I reread Masochism Tango and died inside. XD


shirogiku January 18 2013, 14:22:21 UTC
Ooooh, it's even better reading with a fresh head ^_____^

Gorgeous snark and Hal/Cutler and they killed Bambi and perfection <333


istne_pieklo January 18 2013, 14:24:19 UTC
Bambi-killing is seriously the worst offense. XDDD
I started writing chapter 3. It's even more full of TV Tropes than before. XD I think it's my coping mechanism against the fact that I have to... you know, come up with a plot? XDDDD


shirogiku January 18 2013, 14:54:41 UTC
Err, no, they could have killed Kenny! Or Benny!

Who needs plot if you have tall buildings and snark?


istne_pieklo January 18 2013, 14:57:14 UTC
Nooo, Benny! T_T Don't remind me, SPN trauma is still fresh!
Haha, good point, but this gets me thinking: are there even tall buildings in Barry? Then again, Snow does move eventually. I mean, he doesn't eat the prime-minister in Barry after all. XDDD


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