Being Human: Cheap Tricks and Little Truths [Cutler, Tom]

Dec 06, 2012 18:49

Title: “Cheap Tricks and Little Truths”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: post-Episode 4x05, “Hold the Front Page”
Summary: What’s a little bloodshed on the way to glory? [Cutler, Tom; implied Hal/Cutler]
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC.
A/N: for the prompt by thequestioning. I’m 900 % sure this is not what you wanted and I’m ( Read more... )

gen, being human, fanfiction, ch: nick cutler, challenge, p: hal/cutler, ch: tom mcnair, tv

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zoicite May 9 2013, 23:35:04 UTC
First, I feel like I should apologize for being a creeper and commenting on numerous stories in a row all in the same day. I started out trying to read very little in the fandom because I wanted to get my head around my own take on these characters, and while I'm totally not there with that yet at all, I've given up on trying not to read what others are writing and am apparently reading EVERYTHING instead? I don't know.

And mostly I'm learning that I will probably never even bother attempting to write Cutler because I'm now all kinds of intimidated. You're seriously great with Cutler. This story is no exception.

He always hated getting blood all over himself, especially if there was no one to lick it off.

The image this line invokes. So hot. Also, the entire bit about Cutler's best and worst night in the cage.

I adore Cutler's assessment of Tom and then of himself. I love Tom telling Cutler about Yvonne and how he goes about doing so. Also his confession about the birthday episode and Cutler's reaction to it and Tom's reaction to Cutler's reaction. All perfect.

If he were completely honest, he’d say that the only thing worse than vampires is humans, not werewolves, not by a long shot.

This line!

Also, the movie references once again, and the shadow of Hal over everything always.


istne_pieklo May 9 2013, 23:49:27 UTC
Aww, never apologize for comments! <333 I'm loving them! Sorry for slow replies, it's been a crazy day. >_<
LOL, I sometimes avoid reading things too, esp. if the characters are new to me and I want to try my hand at writing them. But I usually break down very quickly XDDD
And mostly I'm learning that I will probably never even bother attempting to write Cutler because I'm now all kinds of intimidated. Awww, don't beee! I'd love to see your take on Cutler. I should say that I admire your Tom! I find Tom one of the hardest characters to write (followed closely by Annie for some reason). He gave me a lot of trouble in this fic and in GT. But you write him so effortlessly (at least that's the end result, imho). It really feels like his character just flows. <333 NOW GO AND TRY CUTLER! XDDDD
Haha, I can't do without movie references))) I learned from Whedon. XDDD
I'm so glad you liked this fic. And thank you for the comment(s)! I be a happy author now! <3


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