Being Human: Requiem For a Jerk [Cutler]

Oct 07, 2012 18:27

Title: “Requiem For a Jerk”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: pre-series 4
Summary: Aside from planning to take over the world and missing Hal, Nick Cutler does… absolutely nothing. [Cutler/Rachel, Hal/Cutler]
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC.
A/N: I don’t even know what it was supposed to be, let alone what it ( Read more... )

ch: fergus, gen, being human, fanfiction, ch: nick cutler, p: nick/rachel, ch: regus, slash, ch: hal yorke, p: hal/cutler, ch: rachel cutler, het, tv

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dune_master October 7 2012, 14:49:47 UTC
OH MY GOD! THE REFERENCES! YOUUUU!!!! GAINSBOURG! TRAINSPOTTING! NICK CAVE! *swoons* No, seriously, SERIOUSLY, HOW COOL IS THAT!? Keep doing what you're doing, I'll be loving you in the meantime. XPP

Oh, and I love how crazy the order of these fragments of his life is. Total chaos.

So excuse me while I swoon some more. You know what this is lacking? Bono! Everything is better with Bono. IMO. XPP


istne_pieklo October 7 2012, 15:01:53 UTC
BUHAHAHAHA!!! I'm so not regretting anything)) What can I say, my Cutler has the capacity to geek! XD
There's also a half-conscious ref to this, but that has hardly anything to do with the Old Ones. XDDD
Oh yes, love me! I need love. XD
Soon I'll be famous as a write that can't write linear narrative. XDDDD
LOOOL, okay, next time there will be Bono. Thanks for reading, love! <333


dune_master October 7 2012, 15:14:36 UTC
Frankly, I'm surprised you held the Joy Division horses. ;)

Okay: caaaan you feeeel the loooove toniiiiiight?..

Who needs linearity? Let it all go timey-wimey!

Haha, people should place orders on refs. Like: can I have one U2 please, one Doctor Who and one... hmm, Mitt Romney? XPPPP (Don't ask about the latter, I have no idea where it came from.)


istne_pieklo October 7 2012, 15:41:10 UTC
I'm trying not to be too repetitive)))
Oooh, yes, I can! XDDDD Keep it coming, I've got uni tomorrow, I need SUPPORT!
LMAAAO, I don't even want to imagine anyone from BH referencing Mitt Romney (it was crazy enough to have Obama on DW))).


dune_master October 7 2012, 16:00:59 UTC
Why not? He's so funny.


istne_pieklo October 7 2012, 16:05:39 UTC
Do you seriously want me to answer that? XD


dune_master October 7 2012, 16:11:21 UTC
What kind of an answer gets me a Bono reference in the next fic?


istne_pieklo October 7 2012, 16:15:29 UTC
I'm surprised I didn't squeeze any Pink Water refs here. Except for the overall mood, I suppose. (OMG the song actually fits, doesn't it? The French lyrics would be Hal and the English would be Cutler!)


dune_master October 7 2012, 16:21:25 UTC
Buhahaha, I challenge you:

Deux filles dans un jardin
Un jardin étrange
Mais retiens moi par la main
Et si demain
Tu ne me rejoins pas
Alors continue sans moi

(Obviously it's about killing people!)


istne_pieklo October 7 2012, 16:26:03 UTC
OH GOD))))) You are positively evil!
On a more serious note: Je pars, je ne reviendrai jamais / Bientôt le monde m'aura oublié, tu sais… Hal, when leaving with Leo. *_*
God, this song is eating up my brain. I'd heard it before but it wasn't until you posted it on LJ that I started obsessing. XDDD


dune_master October 7 2012, 16:35:26 UTC
Yes, quite fitting! Well, the whole song could be associated with him.

Oops! I didn't mean to! Have you ever listened to Indochine in general? They're cool.


istne_pieklo October 7 2012, 19:50:23 UTC
Yep)) When you first rec'd them. Also, now. French music inspires me for the French homework. XDDD


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