Monroe 2x01: How you deal with loving a minor character

Oct 03, 2012 14:00

I don't usually post episode reactions in this journal (but I've just made a tag for that, so I might start), so let's pretend this post has some deeper meaning than it actually does, and talk about Monroe 2x01. I've got very important questions.
Very Important Questions this way )

monroe, tv, just me, reaction post

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Comments 24

non_canonical October 3 2012, 10:56:15 UTC
My reactions were pretty much the same.

- Why so little Mullery?
- Damn, he looks good in that black leather jacket.
- Damn, he looks hot with his hair short. And even younger, too. Now I feel like a dirty old lady.
- When the hell did Mullery start hanging around with Springer? In fact when did Monroe and pals start hanging around in the canteen, instead of down in their grotty little cubby hole?
- Poor Mullery, he's split up with Fortune. T_T And Fortune's disappeared between series - but at least they didn't kill her off screen. (I've been watching too much Being Human - I've learnt to expect the worst!)

And one last thought ... maybe there will be more Mullery next week! XDDD


istne_pieklo October 3 2012, 12:27:31 UTC
D'awww, I miss the fluffy hair! But he looks better than he did on promo pics (and he did look hot on promo pics too)).
Black leather jacket is love. <3 LOL, why didn't Cutler dress like that? XD
LMAO, Monroe and Co are mainstream now. They hang around in the canteen. XD
OMG, Fortune left b/c of Mullery's weird UST with Springer)))))) [/slash goggles]
at least they didn't kill her off screen HOW DO YOU KNOW? HOW CAN YOU BE SURE? IT'S BRITISH TELEVISION!!!
YES, more Mullery pls! And explain why he slaps Shephard!


non_canonical October 3 2012, 14:15:30 UTC
Nah, Fortune isn't dead. This is ITV, not the BBC. Much lower body count. ;)


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istne_pieklo October 3 2012, 12:23:16 UTC
LOOOL, of course I don't think that! I crossposted on Tumblr b/c I don't actually have many BH-related fans here.
Haha, well... I don't live in the UK either. There are ways around that after all. ;)
It's weird we are not on each other's flists btw. Mind if I add you?
I haven't seen any reactions anywhere either. And the lack of gifs is a CRIME! T_T This show clearly needs its own fandom.


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istne_pieklo October 3 2012, 13:23:54 UTC
I'm a bit of a LJ addict; I have 3 of them. XD The frequency of posting to them varies. But they certainly help keep up with people. XD
Oh... well, you just need a programme for that. Like uTorrent or smth. often has direct links to AVI files, but copyright holders can be pretty fast cleaning things up. Or you could watch online. This site is pretty good: (This is actually where I watched Monroe just this morning. XD)
Thanks! <3 My obsessions are legion. XDDD


Andrew Gower maja_carlisle September 21 2016, 22:24:38 UTC
Are you still around? Came across your posts while looking for pictures of Andrew and just recently watched him in Monroe.


Re: Andrew Gower istne_pieklo September 22 2016, 07:32:09 UTC
I'm not much on LJ these days. I still love Andrew Gower but his filmography depresses me so much that I sort of gave up on writing such posts about the newer shows he's been in))


Re: Andrew Gower maja_carlisle September 22 2016, 09:24:34 UTC
Yeah I haven't been on LJ for ages myself. Took me quite a long time to even remember my password! LOL!

First saw Andrew on Being Human and it was pretty much love at first sight. <3 Afterwards he just kept popping up on shows that I was watching (Borgias, White Queen) as if someone meant to remind me "Hey, you know, that guy that you used to like? He's still around ( ... )


Re: Andrew Gower istne_pieklo September 22 2016, 09:34:19 UTC
Haha, same problem with the password! XD

BH was also my first introduction to him. I think I've seen pretty much everything he's been in, though apart from BH, Monroe and, I think, The Village, I had to hunt down his scenes specifically because I wasn't interested in the shows themselves. I liked his Caligula on the Bible show, but it was once again such an annoyingly small part! As for Outlander, I don't watch the show itself, but I've seen Andrew's scenes in the first few episodes. Been meaning to catch up on the rest.

Oh, I envy you about 1984 XD I have a complicated relationship with the book (it scared me so much when I read it years ago) but I wish the play had been televised or something... It's always so frustrating to like actors who are not insanely famous because at least when somebody of the Benedict Cumberbatch caliber is in a play, you can expect it to be in cinema or up on torrents, but nobody films the plays Andrew is in T_T

I'm not much on Facebook, but I'm on Twitter a lot))


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