Being Human: 14; 336 [George-centric]

Oct 02, 2012 01:47

Title: “14; 336”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: series 1-4
Summary: Two weeks ago a werewolf was killed. [George/Nina]
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC.
A/N: Seriously weird experimental structure. You’ve been warned.

.......... )

ch: nina pickering, gen, ch: eve sands, being human, ch: john mitchell, fanfiction, p: george/nina, ch: annie sawyer, het, ch: tom mcnair, ch: george sands, tv

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Comments 15

non_canonical October 1 2012, 22:10:43 UTC
Guh! Damn girl, that was just too gorgeous. <3 I love your more "experimental" fics. You write with such a light touch, but it's so powerful at the same time. Once again, you've managed to say so much, and get in so much emotion, in so few words.

And when I say emotion ... George!!! T_T I actually had tears in my eyes reading this. It was like watching 4x01 all over again. And you say that I torture the characters! ;)

So many gorgeous details, and so many delicious possibilities. (Is it wrong of me to want more of the one where George is gay for Mitchell?) Yay for bonus Eve! XD And this is possibly the best description of Mitchell I have ever read: Mitchell always looks on the bright side of life. Except when his own transgressions are being laid bare.

And Nina. My god, you've really captured the depth of that relationship, and what George felt for her. *cue gross sobbing*


istne_pieklo October 2 2012, 07:42:22 UTC
*blush* Well, it's not me, it's Whithouse. XD I think most of the character torture here comes from canon. XD I just really wish Tom's character doesn't follow in George's footsteps b/c I can't see Tom suffer this much. >_(Hehehe, nope, it's perfectly right. ;))) I always thought Mitchell should have stopped looking for the love of his life elsewhere and just paid attention to his closest friends. Canon made Mitchell/Annie out of it. Fandom would have made Mitchell/George))) But I love how George still had the most power over him. Like, "don't kill Herrick or I won't be your friend anymore. - okay, I won't!" XD ( ... )


non_canonical October 2 2012, 10:38:42 UTC
But you always pick the angsty bits of canon to write about! T_T I'm not complaining, mind - I am an angst junkie. And all good authors need a bit of a sadistic streak: after all, no one wants to read about characters being happy all the time and nothing going wrong. Wait, what am I talking about? Of course they do, but they all hang out over on! ;)

I was actually thinking about these turning points, where things might diverge from canon, while I was writing my last fic. The hive mind strikes again! XD Some of them are the really obvious life-changing moments, where the characters have to make big life decisions. But some of them are really small and subtle. I love the way you captured this here - that so many decisions, big and small, happen to get the character to where they are. <3 ( ... )


istne_pieklo October 2 2012, 10:48:20 UTC
Haha, you know what I just remembered? A quote by John Steinbeck: "I've done my damndest to rip a reader's nerves to rags, I don't want him satisfied." XDD That is so totally us! XDDD
Oh yes, I love canon divergence. I think we've all done our share of it (I love your latest fic and there was Shiro's one where Hal and Cutler met earlier) but that doesn't mean we should stop. ;) After all, there are plenty more points to explore. XD Muhahaa!
I honestly can't explain where this story came from. I was editing that goddamn translation when the George muse knocked on my brain and say: Hi, let's angst! XD


non_canonical October 1 2012, 22:18:12 UTC
P.s. I love the title! <3


shirogiku October 1 2012, 22:51:47 UTC

This is amazing and you know how I'm obsessed with parallel worlds and possibilities, fulfilled and unfullfilled (always sir Max, everywhere XD)

Nina is set in stone. so powerful! After Nina died, George just... stopped. Painful to watch :/

Tom, why so cute? one line and I picture his puppy look <3

and yes, Annie would live on for George's family, repressing the pain...

gah, they should all live and that never happens.


istne_pieklo October 2 2012, 07:48:09 UTC
Hehe, in case you haven't noticed, so am I. This is the closest I can get to real canon with Quicksand parallel canon)))) We know George totally isn't imagining all this: somewhere, it did happen)))
Yeah, I can't look at George in that room... Russell Tovey always did a good job portraying angst, but that was just...
If they all lived, BH wouldn't be so mega-angsty)))))
Thank you for reading! <333


dune_master October 5 2012, 13:03:46 UTC
World # 2 really hit me for some reason. That addition, "for some" at the end. *sob*

Really cool structure. I love the chaos in George's head beneath that tragic frozen facade.

And yes, gay for Mitchell please. ;)


istne_pieklo October 5 2012, 13:34:12 UTC
Wekk, if I made you sob, then mission accomplished! XD
Thank you for reading, nii-san. <333
Hahaha, we all know he probably was. But Nina was his destiny)))


zoicite May 9 2013, 18:58:28 UTC
This is heartbreaking and gorgeous. I really love the structure of it. It's so effective!

(And on a side note, there really are a lot of doors in that house! And there are so many that were never opened [and a few that don't seem like they should even make sense. I really feel like the door opposite george/nina/hal's room would just open into the stairs, despite the fact that there is a room number on it].... And my side note just got totally out of hand. Shutting up.)


istne_pieklo May 10 2013, 00:03:43 UTC
Thank you so much! <333
I love doors XD Esp. since they play such a big part in BH canon, what with appearing to souls ready to pass over and all)) It's kind of symbolic, I suppose, than HH has so many doors... Especially give the show's body count. >_


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