Title: “Ausencia”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: AU!future as shown in episodes 4.01, 4.07, 4.08.
Summary: To save humanity the War Child must die. Eve found a loophole but humanity isn’t as grateful as it should be. Sequel to
Lonely Rivers. [Hal/Eve, side Hal/Cutler]
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC. Title
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I have no idea how vampire girls apply make-up! I often can't get it right even when I look in the mirror. Having no reflection must be a nightmare! T_T
I think Eve has a tiny shallow side)))) Any girl would, having grown up as a refugee and then being introduced to pretty dresses and jewelry and make-up)))
Regus is darling! I tried to keep at least some of the creepiness (b/c he's a vampire after all) but I just love him too much! He should be Squishy))))
Cutler is just hoping to get more bonus points from Hal. XDDD Poor hung-up cutie))
Eve = Hal. It's an axiom!)))
I think the Truth or Dare scene is largely your fault))) I loved the game scenes in FF and In Camera, so I thought I'd make a tribute to them)))
Haha, I've discovered that I like writing Fergus. He's not easy to write but he's badass.
B/c they're evil and difficult to write and while I'm writing them, they look like utter drivel)))
Well... let's face it))) Living with Hal and not sleeping with him is not the way to go. ;))) Eve realized it)))))
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