Feb 22, 2005 20:27
ok this is retarded, i just made like a huge post thingy and then i clicked on update the deal and stuff and it said it was in read only mode and then it deleted what i just wrote, anyways The cds are awesome and we need to play shows, gavin doesnt know it yet but he is now the manager of Burgundy music distribution of delaware com schools district, that name sounds cool, and yea so i think the cds are 4 bucks, and if you want one you can get them through gavin and me, and i want to get them out there so we can play shows, and witness ect. so BUY BUY BUY and tell all your friends, maybe you just want to buy a ton and then hand them out for free cause your crazy and stupid but yet have such a love for brutal music. I will sell them to you in the bulk and you will get some awesome deal. i dunno we will talk, but im serious the cds are good, and reviews about it are also good, your likes dislikes, any other issues, please tell me, im going to go now before all the ice melts in my root beer. oh and if you want me to send you a song through IM my sn is youngbucky22 just say hey this is my name and i want a song, and then i will send you whichever one you want, oh and 8mm is a great movie, it made me really mad cause i wish i could go stab the people that do that sorta stuff and like beat them w/ an ice pick but anyways go watch it, its cool. bye