Nov 28, 2008 16:40
So, today I did a presentation for my creativity class. I dragged Karl from his warm comfy bed and made him drag his ass over to the school for the sole purpose of borrowing his laptop. And before I continue, I must admit I had a fanbitch moment. It loaded PS CS3 Extended in less then a minute. And Worked smoothly the entire time, I was like, swooning. I was also secretly plotting to steal it. Anyway, back to the original topic. I thought for certain that when I started the project, no one was going to remain awake. It is really boring when I first start, because it looks nothing like the finished product. Nothing, at all. It was hilarious. But as I progressed I actually got a bunch of 'ooo's. I was disturbed. Yes, right, topic. So I finished, at least, I thought I had, until someone pointed out that I had forgotten the -bubbles-. Picky little annoyances.
...You know, I never explained what the presentation was. Ahaha, oops? Right, I had to do a personal project, something that was not allowed to be worked on in school. I designed two posters for the class and was asked, for a week, how I did it. So, I set up a day where I showed them. Of course, I am rather certain I missed a good 7 steps, but its all good.
On Monday, I do a dry run of the second set of presentations I must do. My partner and I have chosen to wing it, just to see if we make anyone laugh so hard they cry. If no one does, we will drown ourselves in cupcakes. Right after we steal them from the people doing cupcake decorations.
Wednesday and Thursday I start classes at 9:30am and finished at 3:30am. Wait...wait. Not classes. exams Yes, I have twelve hours of exams stretched over two days. I am ready to cumbust. Friday should be an easy day at school, Monday the 8th, there is no school and then Wednesday? Presentations for the entire school.
Excuse me while I flee in terror.
Onwards! I have made the fascinating discovery that if you actually talk to other people and listen to them, this makes -conversation-. Even better? I have discovered I know more sarcastic people then I ever thought I would. It's all good times at school these days. Bad jokes with heavy sarcasm and over-reacting. How could anything make it better?
Add chocolate.
I've spent more time laughing int he last month, then I have the last 6 months combined. I am like, in heaven. If there is a comeback for a comment, it will be said, even if it gets killed. Its bloody fucking brilliant.
Wednesday? Yeah, laughed so hard I needed to take Tylenol and Advil for my ribs.
Win much?
I probably have more to add, but I am tired of rambling, and seriously, there are epople to exchange bad ideas with.