How not to study...

Apr 29, 2008 17:13

It's an interesting situation.

We have a guy (could be either sex - can't tell for sure from the name) on our forums who frequently posts to ask us which lecture slide we got up to in the day's lecture.

Then for almost every topic we cover, he or she posts to ask for explanations on how it works, how this or that is done, and here is an answer to a question on that topic - why is it wrong?

Then the day before the assignment is due, he or she posts (rather frantically) to ask how this question or that question is done - starting from question two.

If this weren't astonishing enough, it gets even stranger: no one has politely said to him or her, Hey, mate, you know, you might find these topics a bit less trouble if you, you know, actually attended the lectures...

Seriously, I've got no problem with people asking for help, but if you need a LOT of help, attend the lectures, attend the tutes, attend the labs, visit the lecturer/head tutor, visit the mentors, ask your friends, THEN frantically post on the forums.

(And they wonder why hardly anyone bothers to read the forums.)
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