15. On tea and biffles [Video/Action for Goldenrod]

Nov 03, 2011 11:24

Good afternoon Johto.

[Today you are being greeted by the most awesome image in the world. Well. No, it's just Lion sitting in the inn bed, with a Ditto who actually looks as a ditto for a change, sitting on the pillow.]

In the end we finally arrived to Goldenrod. I apologize for not letting everyone know before as I said I would, but we have been most busy with several circumstances. [Aka seacats dropping like flies.] And then the festivities took most of our attention.

This is quite the large town, it looks as interesting as I was told it did... I come, however, bearing a few small questions.

Are there any tea houses in Goldenrod? If there aren't, Beatrice and I were discussing the probability of opening a small one here. It would give us both something interesting to do while we are here, and it would be a nice enough place for people to meet and have some sweets.

Are there any rules on placing a business in Johto other than the ones that can be learned at the police station or other obvious places? I would be most interested to know, thank you.

[OH, and filtered from Hayate-san. Sorry butler biffle.]

For those who know him, November eleven is Hayate Ayasaki's birthday.
He doesn't seem to be the kind of person who would tell others about it unless asked, so I thought it would be nice to let everyone know so you could congratulate him.

I'm sure he will appreciate the thought.

[And this ends the transmission.]

[OOC: Well, sorry Hayate-san but you should know better than telling Lion that you consider your birthday unimportant. If anyone wants to organize a party, partying partying yeah, then feel free to discuss it on the post.

Replies will come a little slow, but steadily.]

lion likes being useful, deep philosophical discussions, pretend everything is ok, mothering your mother 101, ditto is the smrtest ever, [where]; goldenrod, public service announcement, johtoxlion otp, jelle says she likes my tags, uwoooohhh missing rokkencherrygrove, tea tea tea tea, butler biffle business, chitchatting forever and ever, the tag character limit is my enemy, disappearing ushiromiyas are canon, uwooooooooh, lion's posts are the most irrelevant, not planning on being the very best, going around being polite, give me all the cr, the daily life of lion-san, beatooooriiiicheeeee!!!11one, adorable notmom notchild relationships, stop adopting everyone, no cliffing lion plz, hell yeah books

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