9 - Why didn't they ever try this on the lunar base?

Jun 21, 2011 13:26

[So, it's been about a month since Mokuren got her powers back and already she misses not having to watch herself every minute of every day to make sure she doesn't sing. She now knows that in Mayfield, the effects of her singing only last a day, and didn't she feel silly the day after that first incident when the lawn and the garden were perfectly groomed as usual. But it's still an inconvenience for everyone before the 24 hours is up, and Mokuren is nothing if not considerate. So she's been restraining herself, and you know what?

She's sick of it. Before she came to Mayfield, her entire civilization had been destroyed, all her colleagues were dead, she was just about to die, and all she had left was the man she loved and the hope that she would be able to find him in their next lives on Earth. And Mayfield took even that from her. Well, it's not going to take her singing from her. She's going to find a way to be able to sing without causing street-wide bewilderment again, or die trying. To this end, you will find her:

A. In the library, trying vainly to find a how-to-soundproof-your-basement book;

B. In the hardware store, getting harassed by drones who don't understand why she won't just leave the renovations to her 'hubby';

C. In 336 Brady Lane, singing short tunes very softly to an ever-growing aster, pausing for maybe 2 minutes between each tune and feeling extremely frustrated;

D. In the flower shop, doing the same.]

i just want to... sing!, soundproofing

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