Permissions post

Mar 07, 2000 11:31

.Contact Information.

[E-Mail] Inzivil at Gmail
[Instant Messengers] inzivil on AIM aaand that's about all, yes. Although I have a Gtalk too, technically.
[Plurk] Here! And do tell me who you are before adding me so I don't get confused.
[Other] PM is fine too.
[Preferred] AIM and Plurk since I'm on those most often, though Plurk is less awkward.


[Backtagging] I DO IT ALL THE TIME so I'm perfectly fine with it.
[Threadhopping] I also do this all the time so I'm all for it--exceeept when a thread is private of course.
[Plotting] I am open to plotting all the time. Though yes yes I'm shy.
[Offensive subjects] oh boy

► I don't play smut. I would say "if it happens to come up in a relationship I'm willing to handwave it"'s Twilight, how would she even get into a relationship??
► Warning: I'm really slow with prose so for the sake of things actually getting finished, I avoid prose logging.
► Err I'd prefer to keep Twilight out of violent things period actually, never mind graphically detailed bloody violence bothering me. :|a


[What's okay to mention around him/her] Pretty much everything, though she's socially awkward so she wouldn't be able to react to a few things without flailing.

[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc]

► You see that hair in the icons? Yeah, that's natural. Please do feel free to make fun of her for it.

► And her name as well.

► She's also a socially awkward nerd that acts as a deadpan snarker sometimes, scoffs at things that OBVIOUSLY can't be proved by logic and consults books for EVERYTHING.

► So actually she's the most normal person I've picked up thus far. Just a nerd.

[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] I will actually specify if it can be hacked or not, so be watchful!

[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?]

Bullying/trolling/messing with ► Yes, definitely

Mindscrewing ► If it's minor and something she won't be permanently and emotionally ruined by because seriously she is from a childrens cartoon, yes. Anything else just ask

Things that could escalate and prompt expulsion ► Well that would actually count on Twilight actually letting it escalate in that direction. :|a She is the least impulsive.

[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] Go ahead! Though Twilight would be like "no no no that's against the rules!" and run away rather than retaliate.
[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?]

Flirting ► Sure, though she definitely won't understand what is going on.

Hugging ► Sure again, though she'd just respond with "........ah-haha.../pats awkwardly"

Kissing ► Sure the third but warn/ask/prepare for WHYYYYYYY WHAT ARE YOU DOING flailing

Shoulder/head/arm pat ► Yes

Other intimate contact (E.G.: groping and/or sex) ► No never.

[Anything else?] I think I've covered everything, but please ping me if you're still unsure.

!ooc, !permissions

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