- READ A BOOK! A WHOLE FREAKIN' BOOK! (punishment for not reading for two days)
- art of war by sun tzu.
- k, maybe not the whole thing, but be done by friday
- start a puzzle (you have many in your closet)
- i really don't have anywhere to set one up... i need a table of some sort
- can't use any table in the house. stepdad would be like "why is this here? i'm gonna throw it away. keep your shit in your room."
- start the garden. (tis the season to be seedin')
- P90X DAY 4! YOGA! (you've actually wanted to learn what was so great about yoga anyway)
- this would qualify as stretching for the day. do it before you go to bed. which might be soon, you are exhausted after preparing to garden and doing all that yard work.
- now i understand where the workout in that is. that shit is intense!
- give something of yours away.
- to whoever stole my phone today. you can keep it. but please give me the phone numbers in it
- gather wild onions for replanting
- study kung fu. (no forms, your legs still hurt. damn you P90X!!!)
- found a new shoalin book! to be over looked before heading to bed.
- also find a subject to research! deadline is monday for subject. presentations next sunday! don't procrastinate!
- i need a subject
- botany! particularly germination and reproduction
- also... adding a project in this. is the season to grow plants. i'm gonna analyze their appearance and cross breed a couple of different ones.
ooo.... busy day. i'd hate to be in your sho-- it....
you better get up early