Turning point...this journal is now friends-only

Dec 31, 2015 23:58

This is, as I mentioned, mostly because of the liability (however slight in most circles) of being furry in the professional real world that I'm entering.

If you cannot read the entries in my journal, you're not currently on my list. For those who like to read about my life and don't typically/haven't commented, please feel free to drop a comment now to be added. If I took you off my list, it was probably because the content in your journal repeatedly offended me, but please comment if you want to continue to read. As long as I trust you enough not to blackmail me somehow over something somewhere down the road, I'll let you in on my life if you're interested enough to care about me. I can always filter my friends page, and should probably start doing that instead of intentionally excluding people.

For those who think I'm a self-righteous jerk, well...you're probably right under many circumstances. My energy and loyalties can be misguided; I'm not perfect. But I can do my best to change.

So, comment away (screened) if you want to read. If I don't know you personally, please include how you found the journal (and through which associate, if applicable), why you want to read my journal, a cover letter, transcripts and a list of three references. Sorry for the typing, but this is the Internet and I don't want any stalkers. o_o;
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