you can't just start watching it in the middle; you have to see it from the beginning. the writing is actually very good and it's very entertaining, in a novel-type wouldn't just pick up a book and start in the middle, and if you did, you'd have to keep chugging in order to make sense of anything. i'm just sayin''s hard to know "all" about a show/book/movie/anything until you've watched/read more than one episode or chapter....
I did start from the beginning. I watched maybe the first half of the first season and gradually noticed it was all twists and stock characters. Now every time I read about the show, I'm glad I stopped when I did. The entire show is just a trick to get you to watch their network.
i don't know how much of a "trick" it is....i actually like the characters and the twists. it's not a trick unless all shows are; obviously they want you to watch, you're not forced to.
it's all starting to come together now, this season. things are starting to unravel and it has a lot to do with time travel /time manipulation than i ever would have guessed at first. it's hard to wrap your head around though because there are so many characters and they are seemingly all intertwined.
furthermore, if they wanted to get people to watch and make money off it more more so than other shows, they probably wouldn't have started with the stipulation of a set number of years. they already wrote the beginning, middle and end of the story and do not want to drag it out past that and ruin the story like most other shows. Lost will end in 2010.
that said, if you don't enjoy it and you don't like figuring things out (like all the crazy plot turns and mysteries) then, yea, this show isn't for you. you should also probably stay away from david lynch, chuck palahniuk and even most dickens.
Twin Peaks was great but it NEVER came together and made just kept on deteriorating. I still enjoyed it for other reasons though. I think the only real similarity between the shows is that they are difficult to figure out and they are full of surprises.
I gave up. I don't like being jerked around and that's all Lost does.
it's all starting to come together now, this season. things are starting to unravel and it has a lot to do with time travel /time manipulation than i ever would have guessed at first. it's hard to wrap your head around though because there are so many characters and they are seemingly all intertwined.
furthermore, if they wanted to get people to watch and make money off it more more so than other shows, they probably wouldn't have started with the stipulation of a set number of years. they already wrote the beginning, middle and end of the story and do not want to drag it out past that and ruin the story like most other shows. Lost will end in 2010.
that said, if you don't enjoy it and you don't like figuring things out (like all the crazy plot turns and mysteries) then, yea, this show isn't for you. you should also probably stay away from david lynch, chuck palahniuk and even most dickens.
When I started watching Lost it was mainly because people compared it to Twin Peaks. But I didn't see any similarities.
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