&& Please hold me & never let me go..

Mar 16, 2006 19:53

No update in a long time. I just haven't felt the need to bore you with all of my randomness & stupid information.

a n g e r section

Do you have a quick temper? Sometimes but, not really.
What do you do when you're mad? Vent to Dustin, usually.
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad? I don't know. I was pretty mad today & I definately controlled myself. =]
If you can take back time, would you have never done this?
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yes.
Ever physically hurt someone when you were mad? Not really.
Do you curse when you're mad? I did today. =]

c r y i n g section

When was the last time you really cried your heart out? Last Saturday.
Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? Yes, Jake. <33.
Ever cried over the opposite sex? Too many times.
Do you cry when you get an injury? Not really.
Do certain songs make you cry? Which ones: Yes. Goodbye My Lover & Tears & Rain both by James Blunt.
Can you make yourself cry? Yes.

p a i n section

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through? I don't know. Probably all the depression/anger that went along with all that stuff with Philip.
What's the worst thing you've done to yourself? No comment.
What's the worst thing you've done to somebody else? I don't really do anything to anyone.
Ever had a painful break up? Yes, definately.
What about the old 'pain for pleasure'? Uhmm..I guess that might go along with the stuff with Philip. All I could think of was being with him but, it was really hurting me inside.
How depressed can you get? I've been there, I just don't show that side of me to anyone.
Do you inflict pain on yourself? Not really.

h a p p y section

Are you normally a happy person? Depends.
What can make you happy? Friends, Stephen, Music.
Do you wish you were happier? Sometimes..I wish I could just let things go & be happy.
What makes you the happiest? Stephen.
Is being happy overrated? No.
What about being with your friends, does that make you happy? Yepp.
Can music make you happy? Yepp.

l o v e section

How many times have you had your heart broken? Once.
Do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others? Nope. However, I still love him with all my heart though & I hope he's doing well.
Have you ever loved someone so much, that you'd die for them? Yes.
Did you ever love a guy, tell them that, and only got 'thanks' as a reply? nope.
Ever loved someone so much, it hurt and made you cry? Yes.
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you? Yes.
Ever stopped a relationship because they didn't say 'i love you'? Nope.

h a t e section

Who do you actually hate? Only a few random girls.
Ever made a hit list? Nope.
Have you ever been on a hit list? I don't think so..
Are you a mean bully? Noo.
Do you hate any one that breaks your heart? No.
Do you hate George Bush? I really don't care.

s e l f - e s t e e m section

Is your self-esteem extremely low? Yes, even if I don't act like it.
Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes.
When people say they think you are pretty, do you deny you are? I don't really say anything.
Are you one of those idiots that think they are ugly, dumb, and fat? Not dumb.
Ever wanted to kill yourself because you thought you weren't good enough? No. But, I've definately felt like I wasn't good enough.
Are you happy with who you are? I don't know.
Do you wish you can be someone else? No.

Stephen came over last Saturday. It was one of the greatest days ever, I swear. I could lay on my couch with the lights off & watch movies with him everyday of my life & I'd always be happy. I felt the happiest I've been in awhile right there laying next to him & all I could think was "I hope this never ends..". He's the only one who really knows how I feel & can make everything better just by looking at me. We layed there & he held me while sneaking kisses & sneaking into my room at random times, making excuses for why we had to go up there, even though Mom knew what we were really doing. I love watching stupid movies like The Devils Rejects with him & making fun of him, even when he always comes back with something to make fun of me about. I Love Stephen Anthony Furry..& right now..I don't ever want to stop.
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