Dec 07, 2005 00:00

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

In June I broke genx88's X-Box (-12 points). In August I bought porn for veatariel (-10 points). In May I helped shoeboxd hide a body (-173 points). Last Thursday I donated bone marrow to luminata in a life-saving procedure (300 points). Last Tuesday hikariblue and I donated clothes to the needy (11 points).

Overall, I've been nice (116 points). For Christmas I deserve a toy train!


lol~ some of these are so plausible it cracks me up XDDD and omgs what would me n hikariblue donate? cosplay clothes? XDD I bet the needy would be thriiilled haha

My poor LJ *pats* it's so neglected ^^;

So Katsucon! It's not thaat far away and this semester's been really busy so I probably should start thinking about costumes now~ (Is it bad that I want to do something RO just for fun too? ^^;;;;)

I've been so out of the anime/manga world recently that I have nooo idea who to be -_- oh, and vikki-chan~ are we still doing the xxxholic thing and was that for katsu or for otakon..? *blinks* (and did you change your phone #? O.o;)

Maybe I'll actually be a girl this time for once XD~ maybe for one of the costumes...

Anyways, I'm sooo behind on flist reading/commenting again *guilt* everyone's getting into the christmas spirit though and it's really nice~ :D I sent out my little part of the Kimeru Xmas project already (personally & with tracking so no mishaps this time ^^;;;) Franny's awesome for putting everything together and for putting so much time and energy and money and everything into organizing this!!! <333 code_k and key_of_life needs to be pimped & appreciated :* <3

Finals week is coming... and I'm so scared of my japanese oral & my econ tests! T-T but to everyone yet to have their finals: Ganbatte!!

I'm going back to China (yes, again ^^;) this winter break to visit my grandma, learn how to cook, and intern at a boutique-thing. If anyone needs/wants anything from there (i.e. chinese cds, dramas, newest jay chou album, etc.), lemme know and I'll keep an eye out on them for ya~ ^^b

/end spastic post _XD
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