Aug 25, 2005 22:51
So me & Maria went Goodwill hunting today ;) (on EXCUSE of my rt. 40 eye exam nearby hehe)
so now that all the fashion magazines n peeps are promoting thrift-store shopping as the "in" thing to do, apparently us 2 d0rks who just happen to go all the time are now considered chic ;P Last time I was there, I was vastly amused by girls wearing Juicy & Abercrombie & J.Crew & Polo stuff shopping there with their preppy boyfriends :P
I think my best find today was this kindda vintagy-looking skirt with a slightly-faded print that gives off asian/japanese look without going overboard :D *very pleased* I bought some other random stuff, including this small army-print backpack purse w/ single zipper strap for my twin :) (since she only wears backpacks by one-strap anyways ;P)
Tomorrow's moving into dorms day -_- and my con report's still not done ;0; (I'll get it done later, promise! hey at least I got the pictures up! :3)
...hmmm maybe I should start getting my stuff together now~ XD <--- soo not good with this 'plan stuff ahead of time' thing~ _XD room decoration tomorrow! I've a couple ideas in mind but let's see if they're feasible and if it's worth the effort...