Apr 01, 2008 03:36
{sigh} I sit across from the church lady. Not the grandma who has the gi-normous hat with the dead bird on it and the victorian era baby blue hoop-skirt just for sunday-go-to-meetin's. Nope. I like her. Nope. It's the other one. You'll see.
I started back to work today. It felt good. My wrist doesn't hurt, it's just tired from atrophy. I know my shit, and am still kicking ass. It's nice to be able to say "L2P n00b" to the table lead. The folks at the new table (in my absence the whole place has been re-arranged. of course) are very nice. We were chatting idly when I learned something about 'G', while simultaneously hearing something that forces me out of complacency regarding my spirituality.
me - "Oh, Jim Henson's 'The Storyteller'. It was a sad day when he passed" - I know I was, anyhow.
G - "Yes, it's always sad when someone passes, but we only have a limited time on this earth" - Ok, folks, this sort of phrase is rarely used by someone who doesn't actually think so
me - "Yeah, but at least he didn't waste it." Mr. Henson is responsible for many of my most treasured moments shared with family at home as well as abroad
G - "Hum." ?hum?
me - "He certainly put his time here to good use..." dot dot dot
G - "If you say so" ehem. yeah, I ****ing do
me - "You don't think so?"
G - "All he did was do TV and make puppets, when he could have been spreading the 'word'" I know what the 'word' is, so i didn't ask.
me - ". . ." i said. I did NOT say 'yeah shame on him for sharing ideas like sharing kindness and tolerance unconditionally when he could have been saying stuff like 'you suck but i forgive you if you hurl yourself blindly into the murky water that may or may not be deep enough for you to survive the plunge and demand we be forgiving and tolerant and in the same breath tell us that people who practise faith not exactly just like us are evil and it's ok to dehumanize them and shrug our shoulders at the television screen when we see thier bodies rent by our nifty high-tech bombs and everyone who is white, christian (I suspect 'scientist'), and speaks English will go to heaven.
I didn't say that, because there are people who won't reason. They have, after all, God on thier side, and why think if God provides, right?
Look. I'm not taking a shot a God, faith, or Christians. I like many of them. But this lady is an atom in the star that drives the fusion of the stereotype. If you don't 'thump', don't feel some alien need to bludgeon folks with your holy book of choice, and would rather let bygones be bygones- BLESS the EVER LOVIN DAYLIGHTS outta you. I can believe that you read it AND GET IT. But this person...
I wrote tons more, but I'm... gonna let it go before I burn myself up over someone who does not warrant it.