Mar 14, 2008 02:00
a. Do you feel your ethnicity is a large part of your life?
b. What is your ethnicity?
I be Polish. I have an Austrian and Italian Great Grandmother on maternal and paternal side respectively, and there is some Hungarian way back in my maternal grandfather's family I think, so there is some spice in the mix, but largely its all very Polish.
c. Is your ethnicity distinct from your national identity?
Hmmm. Somewhat. While my "national identity" is still largely "Polish", there is a mix of the "Canadian" added to the national identity.
Do you speak the same language your grandparents spoke?
e. Great-great-grandparents?
Yes, mostly, with the exception of the Italian and Austrian bits. I can speak some German. I could apparently speak it well when I was a child but that got thrown by the wayside. I understand more than I can say. I cant write it or read it well :P... and I know some words and interesting phrases to throw around.
No Italian beyond whats common in pop culture knowledge Im afraid.
f. Do you have a feeling of solidarity or even simple recognition for people of similar backgrounds?
g. What part does the perception of race play in your understanding of your own ethnicity?
I am aware that I am white. While I don't consider myself prejudiced, I still notice race. Part of that is having grown up in a purely white country from 0-11 years old I think.... but with time spent here in Canada its becoming less and less noticeable.
h. Do you feel your ethnicity is a matter of "blood" or descendency or do you feel it is cultural?
a. Do you follow politics?
Not really, to be honest. I try to be a responsible citizen and kinda vote in the Canadian (and Polish sometimes) elections of all sorts, so I usually do some massive online research crash course when that time of year rolls around... and the odd time when an social/moral issue of high importance to me is loud in the news I then become polarized and a bit of a "politician". I have some sense of what kind of social order I like, I hate fanaticism, and intensely dislike Bush :P
b. Are your politics similar to or wildly divergent from those your parents espoused when you were growing up?
Very different political settings. (Poland - communist when I was born, vs. Canada or even the Poland of today). My parents, like me, tended towards more liberal worldviews so we have that in common I guess. While very aware of the dangers of Communism, I see the value in socialist systems. I appreciate that Canada has some of these qualities like universal healthcare. Im a bit of a hippie at heart that way. Not a fan of rabid, each-person-only-for-her/himself capitalism.
c. Do you feel your personal politics spring more from how you perceive your needs or from your personal morality? Something else? Tell me what you base your political decisions on.
Hmmm. Im inclined to answer "personal morality".
d. Do you feel that any political party or movement truly represents your values?
See above. Few things are "perfect" in life. The main thing is moderation and temperance. Anything taken to an extreme usually tends to be a crappy system.
e. Do you feel any particular political party is looking out for your interests?
I like the NDP in Canada. They never win in my regions but hey. This gets me accused of "commie" tendencies sometimes :P. Liberals are alright on principles (in action theyve been somewhat hypocritical lately)... I usually place the conservatives bottom of my list.
f. Have you studied history? How has this affected your political view?
Yes I've studied history.... My mother constantly accuses me of having a limited understanding of history and thus being one of those people "forced to repeat it" :P... but I think I'm just a little turned off by the deep seated, very polarized sentiments that stem from the difficult history of Poland sometimes. I like my "ignorance" in that it makes me slightly less prejudiced (I think) than some of the older generation Poles.
In short, yes I feel that studying history has had some moderate effect on my political views.
a. Do you feel sex is a moral issue?
Hmmm. Not really moral. More like, intensely psychological and spiritual oftentimes though. So I definitely believe it is more than just "physical" to me at least.
b. Do you ascribe an inherent value to virginity?
c. Do you feel that some sexual thoughts/feelings/or behaviours are acceptable for one gender but not for another?
er... NO
d. Is the "forbidden" somehow more sexually exciting for you?
Yes :P (we're not talking some criminal activities here, but things that are somewhat "kinky" or "traditonally forbidden" do fuel the fantasy meter for me, ha ha. )
e. Do you tend to be more passive or aggressive sexually?
f. Do you think celibate people are "better" people or simply have less of a sex drive?
Thats an interesting question. Better? no. But I have thought about this in the past at length. I am still not sure whether I really see any spiritual/moral value in celibacy. I can see some of the reasoning behind it, but I'm kinda torn between my Catholic upbringing and my more Pagan-like or Eastern-like philosophy tendencies of today.
I kinda think that there can be spiritual value in celibacy, but there can also be spiritual value in sexual expression. The two (west vs east) worldviews have kinda pushed one or the other.
... but on the whole I think Im more of a hedonist / humanist and tend to think that there is value in sampling human experience to the fullest and enjoying our sexual sides instead of repressing them which just seems a little medieval.
g. Do you feel sex between two consenting adults can be "wrong"?
It can lead to negative effects in some situations, so it can be problematic in that way. Its not a light issue, but I dont really think its a matter of right/wrong.The most salient example where it verges on morality for me is the issue of infidelity... but thats almost more about the deception and lies than the act of sex itself.
h. Do you believe there are any inherent differences between the minds of men and women?
Of course, and psychology has proven this.
i. Do you think strangers can have satisfying sex?
I'm not sure. I suppose, yes. Is every single person capable of having satisfying sex with strangers? No. But some are.
j. Conversely do you think it is possible to have sex with the same person for 30 years and still find it exciting and fulfilling? What about hot?
I think it is possible.
a. Do you cook?
Yes. Not as much as I'd like to but I do.
b. Do you feel the use of mixes and prepared foodstuffs is a moral question?
Moral? er... no? Thought-requiring and health conscious yes...
c. How often do you eat meals outside the home?
Ummm... I enjoy eating out :D... for a sit down meal Id say once every 2-3 weeks... for more fast lunches bought at work, maybe averaging out once a week..
d. How often do you have a sit down meal at home?
Most of the time.
e. Do you feel eating is a moral question? Do you feel you are a moral failure when take great pleasure from eating?
No... and no!... I find this question kinda weird and funny. Being the hedonist I am I think I take the opposite view and look at eating yummy food as an almost ecstatic experience sometimes. Gluttony? - bring it on *devil face*
f. Do you feel morally superior when you refrain from eating?
g. Do you ever pass judgement on strangers based on the items in their grocery carts?
A little bit sometimes yes. Not like "this person is evil cause they have those nasty processed powdered donuts in their cart"... but more like "eww... thats not the best kinda selection there..." Doesnt make me look down upon people but rather worry a bit about the general state of health in society.
a. Do you believe in a god or gods?
b. Do you feel your god/s is/are personal and are concerned with the minutiae of your daily life?
Hmmm.... not sure. Personal - yes I feel that at times. Aspects of divinity feel personal to me, but on a more basic worldview level I think its more of an omnipresent energy concerned with general concepts... not what I had for lunch :P
c. Do you think other people who believe as you believe are inherently better people than those who have different beliefs?
No. Except in cases of hard core proselytizing or fanaticism. That I believe is inferior and infringing on others' freedoms.
d. If you could wave a magic wand and convert everyone on earth to your belief would you? Why? Why not?
No. The beauty of life lies in variety. People are far too unique to be satisfied by a single belief system. I love Ghandi's quote that there are as many religions as there are people. I wholeheartedly believe that.
e. Were you converted from one religion to another?
Hm. Kinda. Not formally or anything. But while I grew up liberal Catholic, I dont really consider myself that anymore. I do incorporate parts of it into my spirituality, and don't harbour some intense hatred towards "what was fed to me", not like that. I think Im a convert from organized religion to a more free-thinking and ecclectic view of spirituality. Though I was hardly in the "very organized" camp ever really...
f. Was your religion inherited, as in do you worship and believe in much the same fashion as your parents and grandparents before you?
Somewhat still yes. Im not disowning my Catholic heritage... but I dont think I have the same views as my grandparents necessarily.
g. To what extent are your religious beliefs cultural? Or to put it another way are they the prevailing beliefs and customs of your social set? Is your religion "normal" for your area?
Im not sure how to answer this. In Canada I dont really feel religious pressures... I think spirituality can be a very personal thing though and I start out with the assertion that "fitting in" in terms of religion in your area or social class isnt really a goal that should be aimed for...
Thats not what should dictate spiritual leanings (consciously at least).
In the Polish community here and/or in Poland I do feel somewhat out of place at times as most folks are more Catholic than I am.
h. Does the god of your understanding play favorites or does it love everyone more or less equally?
No favourites. I think that force is beyond judgment and petty favouritism.
i. Does the god of your understanding condone killing?
No, but its not super clear cut. I dont believe killing someone is always wrong. Mostly when I answer this i think of suicide issues - I don't look down on people who do this, and I do believe that euthanasia should be acceptable when chosen by the person for valid medical/suffering reasons. In terms of homicide (besides assisting with euthanasia which I think is ok), I'm a bit more polarized and tend to think the higher powers out there dont like that concept most of the time. I can understand it sometimes and don't necessarily equate someone who kills with EVIL, but I just dont think its the best solution for pretty much any case of altercation or discord.
j. Does the god of your understanding play favorites with one gender over the other?
Hmmmmmmmm. Tough question. When I think about this seriously and objectively - NO. ... but I do have a feminist streak and what I take as historical scars and injustice make me lean towards a more feminine spirituality than the "traditional". I have a deeper connection with female emmanations of the divine. The whole Goddess deal... when intellectually considering the issue, I think the ultimate ONE force out there isnt gendered, its a combination of both.
k. Does god as you understand it care if teenagers masturbate?
er... no? I'd almost think the "god" condones this and encourages it, in that it promotes normal healthy development of peoples... and silly moral directions to restrict it make me sad.
l. How does your god feel about sex?
Its to be enjoyed but not taken really lightly. It can be a profoundly spiritual experience. Its part of being human and as such something good and natural?
m. Same sex marriage?
I and my understanding of the divine have no problems with this. Love is love :)