When I read fanfic, I usually get images in my head of the stuff I'm reading... at which point I grab the nearest scrap of paper and doodle. This page was done while reading PRT fics: one about visiting the butterfly house at the zoo, one about Andy singing and Keith smacking him with a newspaper, and one about Jon feeling bad for leaving because Keith looked to Anderson like Keith was Hades and Andy was Persephone, leaving him in the dark. Which was, y'know, ridiculous amounts of beautiful and heartbreaking. I totally couldn't do the expression justice.
And, uh, I think
writer_atdusk knows the beginnings of this one... heh. It had to do with... worshiping Keith as a false idol, and I said I was picturing him in that Xerxes get-up from 300. My mind is a scary place.
And these, well... these are from school, likely when I was in math class... not listening. They're a little old, alas. I've kinda changed styles since, y'know, a little less cartoon-y for Keith.