One Strange Night

Aug 05, 2007 02:21

Tonight I was refered to as a Best Friend from High shool. That was quite odd it felt like I didn't know the person anymore or saying like well if she doesn't know how he is now it's because they use to be friends but now never see one another. But I feel like I know him better then most people and that I aided in who he is. It was very odd to have this occur and then not to hang out with my friend and his new friends he just can't stop talking about. You always say you want me to meet them so why don't we hang out for an hour or so.

Then talked to another friend to see what she was up to and she was busy cleanning. It made me really sad because I don't know that I will see her before I leave.

Also tonight I think an ex, well not really ex more of a we both liked eachother at the wrong time and you only liked him because he was sweet and actually thought you were special kind of a thing, tried to kiss me. It was very akward. And like he's a great guy but so gald that it never happened because I didn't really care for him I just got caught up in the moment as bad as that sounds. He really is a great guy just not for me. But him trying to kiss me was really werid and just one of those things where I've grown and could never be at that place again and you could tell he still thinks of that place.

I was happy with my night overall because I got a wonderful comment and had some worth while conversation with a good friend. He told me that he was impressed by my thoughts and something else but it's too late for my little brain to remember all the nice things said. Just enough brain to remember who and that feeling I felt inside.
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