I'm having great difficulties slipping into holiday mode. A decent chunk of the day entails an aimless wander about the house, considering a myriad of activities that could be undertaken if I could only decide on one. Due to this indecision on my behalf it has seen me taking naps in the afternoon or heading to bed early
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The Book of Nothing! I have that on my bookshelf, one of *my* goals to be read over the holidays. So, Barrow?
But Animal Farm is quite good; it's the type of book you can refer back to, that you can use to think about political issues. A lot of it might be pretty clear to you, but it's a good satire that draws a lot of political ideas together.
Languages ... well, I'm biased and would say French, which is hopeless. I assume that you have studied Latin, in which case Greek would probably be useful alongside that, in terms of root words?
Probably those that will be the most useful.
well, I'm reading Tale of Two Cities at the moment, so once I'm finished I'll move to Barrow, without a doubt!
French - yeah, I studied it in high school too. I was quite good (considering I went to a public school & didn't get fancy trips to Paris), & although it's slipped I visited Paris for two days when I was over in the UK and picked most of it up again quite rapidly. I'm absolutely the same about the census box! If I had someone to actively converse with, then it would help immensely, but it's very difficult to properly learn by yourself, even with SBS radio and such, you know? It's a fantastic language, and learning it taught me most of the things I know about English.
You never studied Latin? Neither have I, but I would absolutely love to. The Greek then sounds like a good idea, since it's useful in both a practical and interesting way.
Ahh, well at least you've been! I grew up in the country. So a huge field trip involved us coming to Melbourne to go to the museum. If I actually get my ass in gear and pull out my French books over the summer we should start up some conversation rudimentaire.
non! ah! mon dieu!! mais moi aussi, si nous parlons de les "classiques". a l'ecole secondaire, le curriculum etait "shite".
um, so that's my shitty french from high school. I apologise for all the grammar mistakes!
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