This is how bored I am: I'm filling out another of these things:
Parenthesis are what apply to me
01. I have a cell phone.
02.(I'm obsessed with new things).
03.(I'm the youngest child.)
04. I am a shopoholic.
05. I don't have any piercings, including ears.
06. I have never worn any makeup.
07. I love beer.
08. (I love the weekends.)
09.(I always carry lip-balm/lip-gloss/chap-stick/etc.)
10.(I can't live without music.)
11.(I have been out of the country.)
12. I like putting money in the bank and keeping it there.
13.(I can respect people who want to stay in school all their life.)
14. I love designer handbags.
15. I am easily frustrated and upset.
16.(I eventually want kids.)
17. I can speak more than two languages. (not yet)
18.(I have more than a couple horrible memories.)(I guess..depends on what counts as horrible)
19. I prefer bitter-tasting things to sweet things.
20.(I am a person.)
21. My first kiss was unexpected.
22.(I read a lot.)
23. I love taking pictures.
24. I despise fake people.
25. I can be mean when I want to.
26.(My dreams are bizarre.)
27. I am bisexual.
28. I have way too many pairs of shoes.
29.(I like riding trains.)
30.(I dress how I feel that day.)
31. I love Chicago.(musical or city?
32.(Sometimes I cry for almost no reason.)
33.(I hate when people are ridiculously late.)(We're always early)
34.(I procrastinate.)(Like fuck I do)
35.(Winter is my favorite season.)
36. I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
37. I love to sleep.
38. I wish I was smarter.
39. I am the hottest bachelorette.
40. I have a lot of drama.
41. No one knows my full story of my life.
42. I love my hair.
43.(I sometimes fight with my parents.)
44.(I love the beach.)
45.(I have had the chicken pox.)(down my throat)
46.(I'm excited for the future.)
47. I can't control my emotions.
48.(I celebrate holidays from different traditions/cultures that I am not really a part of.)(sometimes)
49.(I own a TV)(family does)
50.(I love my friends.)
51. I look down on religion and spiritualism as old-fashioned or flakey.
52.(I can be very insecure sometimes.)
53.(I have had a broken bone.)
54. I hate ignorant people.
55.(I love my laptop. )(It's not really mine.....)
56.(I think people look sexy when playing musical instruments )(depending on what they are playing).
57.(I state the obvious.)
58.(I'm a happy person.)(of course....)
59.(I love to dance.)
60.(I love to sing.)(just not good at it)
61. I hate cleaning my room.
62. I tend to get jealous very easily.
63. I like to play video games.
64. I can program.
65.(I hate when I see animals getting hurt/abused.)
66. I'm a vegetarian/vegan/(don't eat beef.)
67.(I have hardly ever studied for a test in my whole life.)
68.(I think legos are the best toy.)(one of the best)
69.((((((I am too forgiving.))))))
70. I have a good sense of direction.
71. I loved high school.(haven't gotten there)
72. I am easily able to influence people through speech.
73.(I don't drink enough to get drunk.)
74.((I love kisses on the forehead.))
75.(I love the color blue.)
76. I don't sew.
77.(I am not addicted to drugs.)
78.(((I like getting exercise.)))
79.(I dislike professional sports.)(on TV, it's stupid)
80. I become stressed easily.
81. I hate liars.
82.(I like comfy pants.)
83.(I like socks.)
84.(I love the smell of fresh laundry)
85.(I love my family.) (for the most part)
86.(I don't mind getting shots.)
87.(I am a perfectionist when it comes to certain things.)
88. I can sight-read stuff on the piano.
89. I hate the feeling of failure.
90. I am a pushover.
91. I would love to have my own fashion line.
92.(I can be quite selfish.)
93.((I still act like a little kid sometimes.))
94. Above all, I despise dishonesty.
95.(I can stay on the computer forever.)
96.(I love music.)
97. I wish I was more motivated when it comes to school.
98.(I love getting stuff in the mail.)
99. (I have problems letting go of people.)
100. ((((((((((((((((((((I hate the feeling of being alone.))))))))))))))))))))
These things are kinda fun to do
You Are a "Wink"
What Japanese Smiley Are You? nd this