This is what avoidance looks like.

Feb 18, 2010 14:51

Up at 7:30, because when you don't have to go to work, getting up early is like conspicuous consumption of time. Also because inner alarm clock is stupid, in a convenient way. Fiddle around on net. Do finances. Call agencies for work. Fiddle around on net. Read a little. Fiddle around on net. Start hand-washing. Wash dishes until dishrack is full (15 minutes); wander off with food. Fiddle around on net. Look at photos of previous apartment. Be horrified. Look at photos some more. Put away dishes, wash until rack is full. Reorganize toiletries shelf of hall closet. Reorganize bottom shelf of hall closet. Move small piles of stuff to Away pile, Put In Hall Closet pile. Fiddle on net. Dust bedroom. Wash more dishes. Make tea. Start moving small objects out of bedroom. Wash bedroom mirror. Move bedroom mirror out of bedroom. Sweep bedroom. Move large, heavy furniture to the middle of the room. Resweep bedroom. Turn shower on. Move more things out of bedroom. Get mop and bucket out of closet. Rinse bucket in shower water. Take mop into bedroom. Realize that there will be more mopwater than the bedroom needs, consider mopping kitchen. Notice box of glasses sitting at the end of the kitchen on the floor, like always. Open box. Find three lone glasses. Put glasses on counter to wash, throw away box. Consider sweeping kitchen immediately. Shower. Emerge from shower. Brush teeth. Rinse hand-washing. Get dressed. Drink first cup of tea.

Fiddle online.

Next: Wash exposed half of bedroom floor; sweep and wash kitchen floor. Finish as much of the edging in the bedroom as is reachable. Move the furniture back into place. Move the rest of the furniture away from the walls. Finish as much of the edging in the bedroom as is newly reachable. Wait for the paint to dry. Sweep and mop the other half of the bedroom, bathroom, possibly any other piece of the floor that can't get away fast enough. Install curtain rods in bedroom. Hang curtains; measure them; then take them down and hem them. Rehang them. Put furniture back in place. Put up decorations that have been in storage for three months. Make bed.

Go shelve books in the library

Come home, flop into bed, wish I'd actually been productive today.

Stuff to not do:

Apply to jobs
Write articles
Write about the Winterbournes post-apocalypse
Write about Tory and the saint who wasn't except when she was
Write about steampunk gentlemen having hot tea

cleaning, cluttering

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