(A) Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: I'm still trying to make up my mind whether it should be canon or very, very influential fanon. Or outright fanfic. I can see that it'd be exciting if I were watching the staged version, but I'm also wondering if the numerous very short scenes wouldn't seem rather choppy. Now, question of the hour:
Is Albus an irritating, self-entitled teen, or is it just me?
Sure, there's all that pressure about being Harry Potter's son, looking like him, having a chip on your shoulder, etc. I can see why he ends up making some dumb decisions - Harry was never that wise for his years, in some respects, either - but Albus has this tendency towards 'me and my trauma', and I'm like, what trauma?
Actually, what's really lacking here is, there's virtually nothing of James Sirius Potter or Lily Luna Potter (apart from the first scene, but we've all read that in the epilogue already). Or Hugo Granger-Weasley. (s'great that we had Rose, though.) It'd be illuminating to have had some comparative chips on shoulders.
River of Stars, Saiyuki/Stargate SG-1 crossover, AU for Saiyuki, WIP, by Vathara. Yes, that's Vathara of
Upon a Fiery Steed (at ff.net), the Gundam Wing/Stargate crossover, who I go back to again and again even though her Duo has rather fanon-ish than I would usually like and that goes for her Heero, her Wufei... but it's still addictive. Then there's
Spin Cycle a Ruronin Kenshin/Stargate crossover and its somewhat sequels. Yes, she has a trend going for her. Actually I just like all of her crossover fics. And of course, who doesn't love Saiyuki?
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