Title: Next to NetGo 15/19
Series: Hikaru no Go
Disclaimer: Characters are the creation of Hotta and Obata
Pairing: Akira/Hikaru
Type: AU. What if Hikaru had continued playing NetGo, and never became an insei (or a pro)?
Summary: Hikaru is dragged to the world of professional Go, but you can't make him drink.
what Waya said )
Comments 14
Haven't thought about it in those terms, but you're right. Thank you for the compliment. ^^
So... it's a challenge from Akira? To offset the insult from Waya?
PS: Thank you for the chapter. :)
You're welcome, by the way; I'm only sorry that it took so long. >_> I must try to get all of this out by the end of 2006; it'd be too sad if it dragged on for two years.
You know, I think I have to go back and read the whole fic again to get back into the mood. With the amount of fic that I read everyday, sometimes it can get confusing. *sheepish smile*
But I still enjoy this fic. Update more! ^_~
Yeah, I had the same problem--I forgot what I was writing about, and had to go back to read it--such a time consuming process, especially when I kept cringing at the earlier chapters...
Akira's porn is 90% influenced by Hikaru flushed from Go.
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