Feeling sort of out-of-sorts about things today.
Due to the fiasco with my stupid dental stuff and nonpaying insurance (don't ask, I don't. . . really want to talk about it), I'm probably going to have to use about half of the money I have set aside for Delphine. Which is, you know, like saying "waah waah waah I have to pay for dental work instead of buying dolls," but I wouldn't have gotten so much damn work done if I'd known that my insurance was going to flake out. ("Sure, you say I need ANOTHER cleaning? Well, I already paid the $100 deductible for the year which you said was all I'd have to pay so have at it!") So.
Not that it matters because, as I've said, NO ONE IS SELLING. ARGH.
I should just be happy about the dolls I'm already getting/have got, but I think I just have a case of the instant-gratifications. You know. I'm depressed so I want my euphoria NOW, rather than in a few months. Not that I'm not. . . you know, happy about them. But all my money is currently tied up with dentist bill/cosplay/paying off other stuff/Delphine fund so I can't even spoil the ones we have, lol. Obviously I channel stress by buying things (thanks parents) and right now that impulse is being frustrated so I'M frustrated. Which would be funny (lol I'm a pathetic consumer whore) if it weren't so annoying.
On the plus side, I actually have 40 hours next week, which hasn't happened for awhile. So I can always put some extra money back in for my mythical always-over-the-next-horizon Delphine. Or I could just give up on her and do something else with my money, but I'm bone-headed as always. I just can't STAND to mess up my plans once they're set.
Um. . . something cheery to end on. Well, I did finish a (ridiculously bad) skirt for Willow. Maybe one of these days I post pictures of the stuff I've been attempting to sew. So far my best attempts have been sleeve skirts. They look. . . less ghetto than they sound, I promise.
Or maybe I'll spend the evening making a Code Gayass moodtheme SEE IF I DON'T.