Advent Children stole my soul and won't give it back.... YESSS!!!

Sep 16, 2005 13:06

HOLY FREAKING COW!!!! Advent Children ROCKED .... MY .... WORLD!!! ksdfjgvhdfkjgnsffkljsdfnnbgffgfgSDFFJFvjklfvn It was so great and I loved it so much and I want it to come out on DVD NOOOWWWWWW!!!! EEEEKS!! So pretty and the fight scenes were SO HOT!! I swear, this calls for some fanart!! XDDDD I loved everything about it and I want the soundtrack so badly! ^__^ Not much of a plot, but I DON'T CARE!! It was TOTAL fan-candy! Like Loz's cell-phone that plays the fanfair! OMG, I squeed so bad! XDD And When Vincent and Sephy and Cid and Cait Sith and Red and Yuffie and Barret and Yazoo and Kadaj and Loz and Cloud and Tifa and Zack and Aerith and Marlene and Reno and Rude and Rufus and Elena and Tseng and Bahamut showed up (even in flashbacks) I SCREAMED!!! Which basically means I was screaming at the top of my lungs for about half the movie! XP I adored it so bad!

*sigh* I need to make some icons for LJ... XD I know, random, right? BUT MY GOSH, I LOVE FFVII: AC!!! Stupid Square, pushing it back to January!!! *shakes fist* At least I know there really IS an Advent Children! I was worried it was all just some pleasurable trailers for a minute what with it being pushed back, like, three times? XD;;

Okies, byes~!
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