"Meeting Frank."
Mark: How you doing Mr. Jeffries.
Frank: Oh Frank's doing ok. He'd be doing a lot better if the twins were even.
Alex: The twins?
Frank: Frank's new pecs.
Izzie: Who is Frank?
Frank: You're looking at him
Mark: That concludes today's teaching. A tube was inserted into Mr. Jeffries chest to drain the fluid. I want you to monitor him, check the tube for fluid output and change his dressings. Dr. Stevens...I guess you can...watch.
Alex: Actually Dr. Stevens is an excellent Doctor.
Mark: Yeah. That's what I hear.
Frank: Oh yeah... that's what I'm talking about. Look at you! Do they still look lopsided? I mean, from the seroma?
Alex: No it looks like most of the swelling has gone down.
Frank: Yeah? Oh yeah. Hey Dr. Stevens would you take a look at the twins? Frank would like a woman's perspective.
Alex: You're just looking.
Izzie: Uh yep. Looks pretty even to me. Very defined. And the redness should go away in a couple of days.
Frank: Good. Frank got them for his girlfriend. He doesn't want her to see them until they're perfect.
Alex: Your girlfriend asked you to get pec implants?
Frank: No Frank's girlfriend joined a gym and got a trainer named Lars. What kind of name is that...Lars?
Izzie: So you got fake pecs cause you're jealous of a guy with a fake name?
Izzie: You know, I don't know. I just don't get the whole fake boob thing, no offense.
Frank: No these are top of the line. They look real they feel natural. No really. Feel them, really. Come on. Feel them.
Izzie: Ooh, very solid. Frank: And real. Izzie: I don't know about that.
Frank: Well compare them to his.
Alex: I'm not involved with this.
Izzie: Oh don't be such a baby.
Mark: This... this is why I don't work with interns.
"Speaking on the third person"
Alex: Yang decannulated a heart. Why is Alex not surprised?
Izzie: Izzie isn't either. Last week she was digging through crap, this week she's fondling man boobs. No decannulating hearts for Izzie...
George: Why are you lying about decannulating the heart?
Cristina: I didn't.
Izzie: Izzie and Alex do not believe you.
Meredith: What are you two doing?
Izzie: Izzie and Alex have a patient who speaks about himself in the third person.
Alex: They thought it was annoying at first, but now they kind of like it.
Meredith: Good. Is it going to stop soon?
Cristina: Wow, what happened? This morning you were all bright and shiny, and asking to be kicked in the face.
Meredith: I am. I'm bright. I'm shiny.
Cristina: Yeah.
Izzie: Izzie thinks this whole bright and shiny thing is getting kind of old.
Alex: Alex agrees.
"Alex is the coolest and Izzie isn't so bad herself."
Izzie: Thank you Alex. I can't believe you let me help. Alex is cool, you know that? Alex is the coolest.
Alex: Oh Alex knows it. Izzie isn't so bad herself.
Izzie: Izzie is rockin’. Izzie is back in the game.
Izzie: I can't. Alex, I'm sorry. I can't.
"Alex is sorry he's such an idiot."
Izzie: I didn't know you still felt that way about me.
Alex: Me either.
Izzie: I can't. I'm sorry.
Alex: Alex gets it. Alex is sorry he's such an idiot.
Izzie: Can Izzie buy Alex a drink?
Alex: Alex would like that. Izzie can.