After fully understanding the circumstances that allowed a pair of Storviks to escape with the Revenge and
brother_lothar, Captain
evil_kyjellico left no stone uncovered. Jellico contacted the Imperial Fleet and let them know that he was tracking a fugitive, and that the fugitive might attempt to escape using incursion technology. Jellico requested that all weak points in the space-time continuum accessable at the Revenge's top expected speed be covered. This included a number of areas, including the point at which I had returned from the other universe with my captured Storviks.
After a few days of receiving negative reports about the presence of any ship resembling the Revenge, Jellico ordered a new course set. The course led us to where the planet Halka had previously orbited its star, before being destroyed by Jellico's role model, Kirk.
The planet was still not there, and the star that it had formerly circled was going through a period of stellar quiescence. No ion storms meant that space there was not unusually stressed. However, since we were scanning for ions, we did note what could be an ion trail...and since this star system was normally not a well traveled point, Jellico ordered the trail followed. The closer we get to the Bajor system, the warmer the ion trail gets. Perhaps we are about, as they say, to get lucky.