Fanfic 100 Prompt 001: Beginnings

Jan 16, 2006 00:05

Title: And In That Moment
Fandom: Real Life Person
Characters: Natalie Portman
Prompt: 001: Beginnings
Word Count: 809 (give or take)
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: Natalie's inital meeting with Hayden, after returning to the set of Star Wars Episode 2
Author's Notes: Mixture of other characters appear in here such as George Lucas, Hayden, Ewan and a few random names. Comments on the peice are to be made to the main journal. Thank you.

The morning was cool and crisp, the air around the young Israeli girl whipped around her in soft whispers of happiness, in which she truely was. She was going back to the set of Star Wars, one of the movies she's done that can honestly say she truely enjoyed everyone on the set. She was in the car, her head leaning against her hand as it touched the cold glass of the window, the day was dreary as dark clouds cast over the sky to hide the rays of the sun. A small sight escaped her lips as she looked up, she did hate days like these. It would only be a matter of time before the rain comes. Cars had passed hers, and it seemed the way they were heading the sun was still peeking it's head across the blue skies. That caused a smile to cross her face and even moreso the smile grew as she realized they were nearing the set. Had it really been three hours in that car already? It really hadn't seemed that long, perhaps her mind was so self induced in the thrill of returning to the set that she had infact lost track of time. As the car rolled down the bumpy dirt, Natalie's head craned to see the people surrounding the camera equipment, and perhaps spot someone she knew, and low and behold there was George! Once the car had rolled to a stop she immediately jumped out, not waiting for the driver to open her door, and she was on a run towards George. He laughed and then held his arms open and soon she was in his arms, and he embraced her in a hug. George, was like her father on the set. He made sure she never did anything stupid, and she liked that, but Natalie was afterall, a level headed young woman. She was anxious to meet her co-star, the one who would be taking over the role of Anakin Skywalker. And she sat with George as they discussed what she had been doing during her short time off. Soon however, his attention had been drawn away, and in turn, her head turned to see what exactly it was that was causing the momentary departure of their words to one another. A bus had pulled up, and George had smiled, and stood.

"It appears, Natalie, that our young Skywalker has finally made it to the set, " he smiled to her and held his hand out to her, which she gladly accepted.

Now was the time to meet the young man, that had stolen many hearts over the years as he portrayed some of the least common roles given to someone. He preferred a challenge it seemed. As they walked, she glanced around and spotted Ewan, whom was with his wife Eve, so she gave a wave and a smile, and then continued on with George. She didn't say a word as they neared Hayden, his short hair was touseled, and a mess, but as she glanced to his face as he smiled at George, her breath had been taken away. His smile had drawn her in so that she was speechless as she was introduced.

"It's a pleasure, to finally meet you Miss Portman. I think you're work is wonderful," a voice was speaking to her, and that's when she realized that his lips were moving and he was speaking to her. And she quickly snapped out of her daydream.

"Oh, I mean, thank you! I've seen some of your work as well, you're very good at what you do. I love the diversity of roles that you take on, it's refreshing, " she gave him a smile, and noticed he was watching her, he was captivated by her. She blushed and looked down. "It will be a pleasure working with you Mr Christensen."

"Please, call me Hayden, " he gave a lopsided grin to her and she stared into his eyes, and she felt weak. She'd never felt like this before. It was unimaginable for her.

"Then you, Hayden, should call me Natalie, " she gave a small smile back then adverted her eyes to look to George. "I'm tired from my journey here, could I possibly go and take a small nap George? If you need me in costume right this minute I'm fine with that, I'll go immediately. "

George laughed and shook his head, telling them both to go rest, filming wasn't going to start today. Today was a day to get settled in, and get to know one another. She nodded and then looked to Hayden, who had smiled again at her, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She smiled back and then turned, and started walking in another direction towards her own trailer. This was going to be intresting. Here's to new beginnings.
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