I Just saw this on
didihime 's journal and I think It's pretty fun to do :p
♫ The Song Letter Meme ♪The Rules:
1. Reply to this post with OMG LUV IT and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.
didihime gave me letter M
1.- TOKIO - みんなでワーッハッハ! (Minna de Wahaha!)
This was really easy as it's the song that's stuck in my head actually, so it immediately came to me!!!! Yahooooooooooo!!! *dances*
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2.- 近藤真彦 - 真夏の一秒 (Masahiko Kondo - Manatsu no ichibyou)
Actually it's not like I really really love this song but I like it a lot, specially the "THE ROCK BEST" version :p It's a very summer-ish song (just like its name d'oh)
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3.- 中森明菜 - ミ・アモーレ (Akina Nakamori - Mi Amore)
This is also the song I love the most from my beloved Akina!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ This is one of those songs I can be listening to very very constantly, can repeat them tons of times and will never get tired of it!! In fact, I like watching Akina's different performances of all of her songs ♥
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4.- 少年隊 - まいったネ 今夜 (Shonentai - Maitta ne, Kon ya)
I love this one, as it's like very old-like, lige Big Band!! But my favourite version is when Higashi sang it with Taichi!! *0*
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5.- 嵐 - Monster
Well to be honest, this was the 1st song I listened of them and I was pretty impressed and I loved it a lot. I'd say it's my favourite Arashi song of the 3 songs I know XDDDDDDDD (I know I must listen to more Arashi but my 80's idols take all of my time)
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Enjoy the songs!!
Wanna give it a try?? :D