----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 4:07 PM
Subject: Referendum? Why?
Former PM Shamir stated that it wasn't necessary to annex something that was already part of Israel!
According to 242 and 338, the only "four" states involved are:
Egypt, whose letter to the Security Council resulted in the meetings that followed, Jordan, Syria and Israel. Arafat and his Al-Fatah, knew this when they adopted their 'resolution' they called "The 7 Points.".
Point "four" states that 'they' categorically reject 242 and the Jarring Mission, because it failed to even mention palestinians or their rights.
When 338 was adopted, Arafat and the PLO rejected it also: because, once again, it failed to mention palestinians or their rights and only brought up the "refugee question" without naming them.
The 1964 PLO Covenant gave up any claims of sovereignty for: The Western Bank, The Gaza Strip and the Himmah Area. [in 1968, they dropped this from their Covenant.].
In 1997, Egypt and Israel came to an agreement that gave the Sinai to Egypt, again, [Britain gave it to them in 1922, with the Sharif of Mecca's permission.]. In 1988, King Hussein, dropped his claims for the areas his grandfather illegally annexed in 1950 [when Abdullah also granted Jordanian citizenship to the Arabs in those territories.] and so was free to come to an agreement with Israel in 1994. [1988, is a matter of record.]
So, if Palestine didn't exist, as a political entity under the Ottomans; didn't come into existence when Egypt had control of Gaza or Jordan, of Judea-Samaria, and Abdullah's brother Feisal signed an agreement with Dr. Weizmann in 1919, that recognized the "Jewish Palestine" the British would supervise until they left in '47, why now? [The Jewish Palestine, as per the original terms of the British Mandate included: Sanjak Acco, Sanjak Nablus, Sanjak Maan, Sanjak Hauran and The Independent Sanjak Jerusalem, in which TEL AVIV was founded in 1909. The Ottomans, did not have a "palestine" per se in their areas.]
Please check it out. You'll find that the "history" I've briefly outline above is correct!
Now if someone really wants a Palestine, there's a lovely one in The State of TEXAS, right now!!!
Gerry D.