Ok so I been on a personal quest to find something awesome to watch or read.
It seems I have all those too specific specifications of what I want, but at the same time I am not even sure. I guess it’s a case of “surprise me with something I would love!”.
It’s just I been dying from mediocrity for some time now. I mean modern (western) life is just so…soul sucking existential emptiness. I can’t for the life of me remember who was that one depressing philosopher who was like boredom is the feeling of that emptiness of life, and it can be redeemed only through art. I’m like that, I live for art. I have no real talent of my own so I try to at least live vicariously through others. Music and paintings and reading books and fan fiction. Oh god, reading. I wish I could write. But apparently my mind is this hostile infertile desert where ideas can’t take root. Bleh.
Anyhow, art, right. What I been looking for is lots of colour and energetic piece of fiction, preferable with some supernatural or fantasy elements in the current time period. Sure we have all those creations in a magical land far away in an alternative universe or inside your closet, or in feudal Japan. But that something would happen now? Its too boring and depressing and romance centered or main heroes are kids (because nothing real fun happens to adults, we get to be the bad guys, eh? ).
I think the last contemporary fantasy book that I read cover to cover with my mouth hanging open cause it was so immersive was War for the Oaks.
But that’s not even what I want to read. I just want more colour, grandiose. Change modern times into what it could’ve been or show me it in a different less mundane light. That’s what I want.
I know the *feel* of what I want, I just don’t know how to explain it.
And then I come across this movie trailer for Goemon.
Click to view
And the beginning, where he runs across that roof, and all the fireworks. And that woman. And all those dancers. Oh god oh god, yes! that’s what I am looking for . Something like that. Only in fiction. I don’t care about the second half of the trailer, kinda looks meh, but the first. I want more.
And someone please find me that piece of soundtrack of when he runs across the roof.
And I have a weakness for that sort of make up that just goes across the eyes.
I also realise its not out in theatres until May. May!!!
And I am not even sure it’s gonna be in Canadian theatres in May, or at all. Which isn’t a problem I can rent it out, but then I’ll have to wait like forever until it’s available on DVD or someone put it for download as a torrent or over a file share program. Arrr, pirates. But point is, point is, it’ll take forever before I am going to see it. And I need something like this NOW. Like right this instant. Because I only been looking for something like this forever.
So I been diverting my attention to Japan and Japanese stuff instead. I mean sure I loved the game okami (which in essence has a similar premise of the world to goemon, they even happen around the same time period) but how can I even immerse myself in Japan, living in this hole. I mean I love sushi, sure, but I actually prefer Chinese over Japanese food. Actually, I am very eclectic. I like some from here, some from there… Kimono style shirts don’t really compliment my shape well…. Japanese music, while it does have some songs and gems I adore, I think is even worse that rip off Russian music. It’s just so derivative and pop music (and I like some pop music too) and I don’t know. And when it isn’t pop music , it just isn’t my thing.
I think I just enjoy the entire Japanese Aesthetic. I mean they are all about it, aren’t they? Always arranging and ordering. Flowers, little trees, bondage with million of knots.
But point is, I am not going to sleep on a futon in a room with paper sliding doors any time soon (I am pretty sure a lot of them actually don’t , heh, all about stereotypes eh?) or eat on the floor at a tiny table. Heh, I hardly eat at the kitchen table. Usually at work or at my computer in my room. So reading and watching stuff really my solution to feed this hunger. I mean I would love to live it personally instead of dreaming it, but I don’t know how, don’t even know where to start. So I was googling some novels with Japanese setting, and I came up with naught. And then I was googling Japanese authors instead, and I came up with some, but I am not even sure it’s what I want even. I thought to try Kobo Abe or Haruki Murakami, but even so it doesn’t seem they write the sort of stuff I am looking to read.
So today I took my bro and we went to Centre Point, cause my mom told me to take my bro and because centre point has this little mom-pop book shop. They didn’t have any of the aforementioned authors, but to be polite and buy something (also because I didn’t want to go back home empty handed) I picked up a book called Sushi Daze. Heh. And I know, cause I read the back cover it isn’t about what I want. But I started reading it a little bit and it incredible speaks to me in some ways. Check out some quotes from the beginning pages, I didn’t get very far: “no doubt, radio is better than financial services or laying bricks at a construction site, but it doesn’t provoke an all-consuming passion, and that’s what I want my life to be about”. You know what? Yes, every time I talk to my parents about work. My mother always goes, work is work, you do it and then you do what you want. But but 1/3 of my life will be spent working. I want to work somewhere where I would like and I’ll get immersed in it. And then just don’t understand. “problem is, I need a great leap forward without reverting to café work or social assistance. I simply don’t know where to begin” Yeah, I need one too, and I don’t know where to begin either.
But the back cover is full of spoilers and tells me he’ll movie to japan to teach English. Yeah great, but that’s not what I can do, first I’ll have to take courses to do that, so I can teach. Second of all I cannot teach for the life of me, I cannot stand in front of people and do it. And teaching is really not my thing. And and my accent is English can be so atrocious. Its like not-quiet-Russian type of accent. Bleh. bawww. But I still think I am going to enjoy the book, because so far me and main guy get along just fine in the “been there” sort of comrade in misfortune type of feeling.
And oh, another plus, the author - Rob Payne? He’s from Toronto. Awesome. I feel even more comradice like that, also I think it’s the first time I read local author (maybe not? Was the guy who wrote calculating god from Toronto? The story did happen in Toronto, the ROM to be precise).
And fudge, I am so not looking forward to tomorrow, got work. Have to wake up at an ungodly hour. And both my uniforms are in the laundry. I haven’t done laundry so I’ll have to dig it out D: bleh. well, whatever. Cant smell worse than what they smell after a day’s work. All saturated in coffee smell.