Sep 30, 2005 20:37
the worst day ever!
1st- i go to school and Nathan totally ignores.. me (my ex-boyfriend) pah
2nd- Courtney gives me this SNOB look (on accedent) i hope.. so i get all pissed and yell at her in the middle of the hall way..
3rd-lindsay is gettin me all pumped up and ready to fight cuz she's talkin bout how this girl is talkin shit abou ther..
4th- i find out Nathan thinks im cheeting on him.. I DONT CHEET! I SWEAR! NEVER!!!!
5th- i try and talk to him and he blows me off
6th- i go to the pep ralley and he sits next to KACEY GIMBOL (who he also liked before we started dating!
7th- he's gunna break up w/ me SAYS SHELBY..
i thought i REALLY liked him.. but you know guys thesse days.. GAY GAY GAY!..