I still have an LJ account! :D

Apr 14, 2008 01:10

And it's even paid for...

Do I use it? no.
Is that bad? perhaps
Am I trying to change it? maybe

Oh well... for those of you even remotely interested, I usually just turn to LJ when my life reached one of those semi-apocalyptic time-shifts...

Haven't really updated since my last "happy-news" - about me getting a new GF, having a job, and all at the same time.

Now, for those of you that know me, this is rare - it's usually one or the other - either I have a job, and no GF, or I have a GF and no job. Now I have both... but probably not for long. And no, it's not me being laid off that's the problem...

So, why does these things happen? Is it completely impossible to just find that one person one wants to share the rest of ones life with, and stay with that person? I dunno, but I've come to the conclusion that this is not the right thing for me. Why, I don't really know. My GF is a great girl, and I am very fond of her, it just doesn't "do it for me"... and yes, I know that is not the best of reasons, but it is the truth, and I've done too much of the "lets just wait things out, maybe it will get better, blah blah blah" in my time - this time I'm not gonna do that, I'm gonna take the jump, and see if I can fly or if I'll just plummet to the ground.

That... I think... was the most certain written down coherent thought I've made about this issue as of yet.

I'm going to hurt a girl I still care very much about, and for that I feel bad. But this time I'm gonna think about me first. I'm usually not very good at doing that, unfortunately.

For those of you who reads this, and knows me, or both of us - I haven't broken up with my GF as of yet, and I do not tend to for a little while (mostly because the timing would really, really suck right now, it being her birthday and everything...) and when (okay, still a littel "if" sneaking in there, but most likely "when"...) I do, I want it to be my doing, my words, and my feeling bad for doing that to her.

I doubt anyone still reads this, but hey... it might still be some out there.

Oh well - life sucks, and we knows it. Keep up the fighting!

life, break-up, job, gf

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