I am never running two miles ever again

Apr 01, 2007 22:39

Goddamn I'm tired. I was on the tredmill this afternoon and I wasn't paying attention so while I was lost in my thoughts, I ran somewhere between two and two and a half miles. I normally only run about a half before I stop and take a break to walk. Or power walk. But damn, I can't even walk now. Why did I want to take up running again?

Anywhos, here's my great but yet again, unproductive weekend:

Thursday was Jesse's surprise Birthday party. JJ Day II as we called it. We figured we couldn't do any better than the surprise party we threw last year so we just did another one. It was a lot of fun.

Friday I saw my mom and went shopping a bit. I needed some supplies. Friday night was the night of The Ball at the Bellevue and it was buttloads of fun. It took me forever to get ready, so we were a little late. The  drive up to Broad Street with him was so much fun though. He made the dumbest face at me and he kept making me laugh. Actually at the ball he kept making me laugh, to the point where he ruined our first slow dance together b/c he make me laugh so hard I couldn't even dance. He compared me to a woman with botox and I forgive him for it b/c it was funny....although I don't rememebr why. Anyway, I had such a great time. I was dancing with all of my friends and shamelessly hitting on Tristan all night long. He kept making me laugh, it was so fabulous.

Saturday I had to wake up against my will to meet my U Phi sisters at brunch. But it was History day so there were hundreds of people in wismer.It was insane. I practiced our dance routine for Airband until 3 with my sisters before I walked straight over to the gym to beging again my exercise routine.

Then I came home and got ready for the play "Seeing Double." Tim's party was right after the play so I dressed in party clothes. I wore a skirt and high heels even though it was cold outside, I knew I'd be hot at the party. Went to the play and got some interesting looks from people, especially when I walked in wearing my clanky shoes right when the music stopped. Anyway, the play was fabulous and hilarious. Seriously, only Ursinus would put on a comedic, musical production about the Jewish-Arab conflict in Isreal. It had a good message of course about how we're all humans and have equal rights. It was a damn good play.

Tristan and sam showed up a little after the play started, so they went to tim's party with me right after.  It was Tim's funeral and American disco party. I had a blast. Dancing with friends and plenty of people to talk to. Good times.

Afterward we played fireball, which turned into fireglove and then fire ballglove. Sam, Amy, and John were all initiated in to Team Awesome. It was cold outside but I knew Tristan was really excited to play and Sam wanted to get into team awesome. I wanted to play too, but my outfit wouldn't have let me. I was glad though that Tristan helped me up and down the hill. He heard that I fell and came running, it was cute.

Then afterwards we went to the dinner. That of course, was good times. I love sitting with my friends and just talking. It's a blast. we stayed there until 3:30 am or so But I didn't go to bed until 5.

But I still managed to make it in time for Brunch sunday afternoon. Talked to friends til 2 and proceeded to the gym. I ran for far too long and now I'm beat. I went to dinner right after and talked to friends for too long. Then talked to Katie, then farted around online, talked to Tristan, and went online some more.

So my sunday wasn't so productive. But that's ok. I doubt in my physical state that I could do anything anyway. I'll regret wasting this day tomorrow. But now I'm just too damn tired.
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