Should you need to contact Berwald Oxenstierna and reach his answering machine instead, this is pretty much what you'll hear. At least three clicks and some shuffling, the sound of clothes being ruffled and a foot tapping against a polished wood floor. For about three seconds you'll be waiting for you here a small grunt.
"s'Berwald, can git t'
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Calling about our drinking match sometime this week, yeah. 'f I remember correctly I whupped you last time, but it's always good to secure a lead~
Oi, and I actually saw this sign the other day on the 'net - apparently there's loads of these in swedish schools, yeah - that went "det är förbjudet att bolla mot väggarna." Seriously, dude! Haaa, imagining going to a school with those sorts of rules. Might've actually taught us something.
Catch you later, waldo~
[OOC: Apparently in danish, that reads 'it's not allowed to -beep- against the walls', while the swedish translation is 'it is forbidden to bounce balls on the walls'. :x ...and I can not call him Waldo if you don't like it. xD; Sorry, m'dear! *squishes and gives cookies* We need to have a log sometime. *nodnod*]
[ooc; ahaha asldjksa. It's cool, call him whatever floats your boat, though I'm lost on where the whole Waldo thing came from.
And sure, let's log. : ) ]
Mmm? Einar here, yeah-
[ooc: <3333333! *squishes* ...xD The story of Waldo. My brothers have the 'Where's Waldo?' books, and as his name is Berwald... *shot* heloveshimreally?
x3! What do you want them to be doing? Einar has ideas about trying out those candy cane shot glasses, but it's up to you. <3! *squishes*]
... N'yer on, can't bring 'long Tino though. [Because we all know the Finn is wasted after even a shot. It doesn't take him long to register the second part because growing up with the Dane does not mean he has to completely forget. ]
Might've been right 'bout the schoolin'.
[ooc; ... Ahahah nice. XD
I'm fine with anything, a drinking contest sounds like it'd be fun ahaha. XD;]
Aha, yeah - guess he hasn't changed much then, mm? [Laughs again] He never could hold much.
...So that's a yes? Ha ha! Perfect, yeah~! You have no clue what you're in for, seriously. [A distant clatter as Einar starts checking his cupboards for glasses and booze - damn, looks like he'd have to go shopping] Make it friday at my house, and bring those glasses I got you for christmas. Knowing you they haven't been used once and we gotta try 'em about before they go off.
Nn, s'why I don't wan'im near it, e'll be out by t'third on.
[Silence, as if he's taking the suggestion into consideration and he nods, a small grunt following his approval.] Souns fine, Ll'bring 'em vith me. 'Fter work?
[A huff of a laugh in agreement. Ha, it'd been a while since he'd seen Tino actually, now that he thought about it.]
Heck yeah-! We'll be needing it the most then, seriously. Heh, it's nice to know you haven't become an utter pansy, yeah. Worried you were gonna pull a Bjorn and get all uptight about drinking 'too early' and shit, but looks like you stayed straight. Right on, Waldo! Still doesn't mean that you have a hope in hell, but it's nice to know, yeah~
[Another laugh]
...How is Tino, anyway?
S'the weekend, nuthin wrong vith it. [He shrugs as if Einar can see it. He raises an eyebrow at the last part about their contest and there's only a small sigh in return.
At the question he shifts back, leaning against the counter.]
E's alright, same s'always. ... Y'talk ta Bjorn?
Good, yeah~ I'll try and catch up with him some time.
Mmm? Yeah, pretty much - you know how he is, though. [He laughs] He and Adam are living together not so far from here down by this kebab shop. Ha ha~ Although Adam... isn't looking too great, you know? He'd come down with something nasty last time I visited, and that was a full couple of weeks ago.
And alright, will be looking forward to that.]
'at so.
[Guilt guilt guilt guilt--] 'e feelin' 'ny better?
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