May 04, 2009 20:48

shhh it's not many but I'm happy for who's watching anyway

With 32 watchers in tow, I'll be doing my own celebration because I want to thank the watchers of my community for clicking that little link in the userinfo. So what am I doing? What any good, celebrating iconist does.


So, from now until May 12th, I'll have this post open for anyone to request up to three icons with provided images and any specifications you give. They'll be done by the end of the month and I'll post them in one big batch for everyone. I've got a nifty little form here to help facilitate this a bit easier and help me keep better track of things. If you have a manga icon that you'd like colored, please provide some kind of color reference.

But you can get icons requested for yourself, for your friends, direct your friends to here, whatever you want to do!

Username: (who this is for, yourself or someone else)
Images: Links to images, please. Up to three max per user.
Shareable or no?: Do you want these specifically for you or are they open for free use? Non-shareable I'll send to you directly instead of posting them here.
Anything special?: If you want anything special about this icon, let me know!

Thanks for the watching! Here's to hoping we get 32 more in the future!

!icon requests

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