Jan 18, 2009 03:06


by projection
yeah dat's right

I'll be showing you how to make this:


Just follow the relatively simple steps.

Program: Photoshop 7.0
Translates to: Photoshop (any), Painshop Pro, GIMP

Right, so. We've got a pretty bland base of Badou, black and white. I'm also kind of a genius and forgot to save the un...touched base, so work with me here and use your imagination. PRETEND THERE IS A NOT COLORED BASE HERE.

Anyway. Just go crop whatever base you want to work with at a 100x100 resolution to make your life easy later. Go make a new file, paste, blah blah, you know the usual icon making drill. Go up to Images > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and tweak the contrast up higher until it's straight black and white and not so fugly looking.

If you don't want whatever is in the background, white it out on a new layer on top of that. GO DO IT NOW. And then never touch that layer again.

And here, young grasshopper, the lesson begins. +_+

STEP TWO wait where'd step one go? who cares shhhh

Okay, so you've got your base all ready and set to go! Now, go make a layer on top of your other two, set it to Linear Burn. This way, it'll color in the white areas and not the black. :> Iiiiiiii would suggest starting with the hair on Badou (or other characters with hair like that) because it's a pain in the ass. So go get your color picker and pick the color you want. For Badou, I'm using #D26E0C. NOW. GO COLOR. COLOR LIKE YOU'VE NEVER COLORED BEFOOOORE. And make sure you try to at least color the black outlines as well, even if it doesn't show up. YOU'LL SEE WHY IN A MINUTE.

Are you done? ARE YOU REALLY? You'd better be, slacker. Once you're done with the hair, copy that layer and set the bottom copy to Screen. Yeah, you see the problem? On the screen layer, go finish coloring in all the black outlines very carefully. Then go back to the burn layer and color over that to make everything even, and then go back and clean up anywhere you fucked up. BECAUSE I KNOW YOU DID.

And once you've got the hair down, make a new Linear Burn layer for each part you're coloring in: i.e. the skin, shirt, cigarette smoke, etc.

When you finish, it should look a little something like this:


All right, we've got all the base colors and the hair done, now to work on the shadows. What you're going to do is each part you want to shadow? You'll make a new layer on top of the base and set it to Multiply. Then, copy the color and then pick a couple shades darker than the original. Everyone shades differently, so shade however you would normally.

Once you've finished shading what you want of an area, get the Blur tool and blur the edges of the shading.

....this is like the easiest step in the whole tutorial HOP TO IT.

Anyways, after shading, you've got something like this:


FINALLY, ACTUAL WORK. So go save your PSD file or whatever you're working on, and then merge the layers. ALL OF THEM I SAY!

Copy that layer and set the top one to Screen. On top of the first screen layer, make a new layer set to Exclusion. Fill it with a mid-dark red color. Then copy the Screen layer of Badou on top of the red. NOW one more exclusion layer on top of the second screen, fill it with a grey color. This grey exclusion layer? Set the opacity to anywhere between 24% - 30%. Copy the original Badou layer to the top and set it to Soft Light, and then copy it a second time.

This is how the layers should look:

Okay, so you can leave Badou like that. OR you can add a little texture to it for a little flavor.

I'm using this one from AppendixSquared. CREDIT, MAN.

All right, so open that texture and move it into your layers. I set it under the two soft layers. The first one, set it to Difference, and then copied it again. Then, copy one of those layers and set it to Linear Dodge, and flip it vertically, and then horizontally on top of the two difference layers .Now here's the order they should be in:

Linear Dodge: Fill 100% - Opacity 100%
Difference Layer: Fill: 37% - Opacity 100%
Bottom Difference Layer: Fill 100 % - Opacity: 60%

Have at this little screencap:

You got it? Good.

And once you're satisfied with how that looks, merge it all together and save. :>

tutorial, animanga: dogs

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